06 Sep John McCain and the Republicans had all week to make their case -- and they didn't do it.

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It was an interesting contrast to watch the Republican Convention.  Despite the necessary pause to focus on Hurrican Gustav in New Orleans, their plan to succeed became very obvious -- attack Barack Obama, distract attention to Sarah Palin, and distort John McCain's record as a political leader by focusing on hs war heroism more than 30 years ago.

The Obama camaign summed up the week this way:
"John McCain and the Republicans had all week to make their case -- and they didn't do it.  The whole Republican convention went by without offering a single idea about how to improve the lives of ordinary Americans. People noticed. In the last 24 hours, more people donated to this campaign for the first time than ever before."

So, now the real work begins.  Over the remaining 60 days, each of us who are supporters must expend every possible effort to "leave no vote behind."

I will be blogging every day to encourage, offer support, and share ideas that will make this history-making opportunity a reality.

Stay tuned.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55