12 Jan Are Black Men Too Weak And Afraid To Fight For Our Own Women And Children?

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Are Black Men Too Weak And Afraid To Fight For Our Own Women And Children?


Charles E. Campbell, LSW, MSW


Lisa Alexander, mother of Neli Latson, was convicted on 1/10/2012 of misdemeanor charges that for many would have resulted in little to no jail time. However, supporters were stunned that the trial concluded with Lisa being taken away as a prisoner to be incarcerated for one year, which was later shortened to six months.


Lisa Alexander is an 11 year military veteran with no prior criminal history. She left the military to dedicate her life to her children and to especially build a stable life for her autistic son, Neli. Neli was racially profiled, thrown in jail, and unjustly convicted in May, 2010 at the hands of the same DA's office that prosecuted her. Lisa has been tirelessly advocating for Neli and the only constant throughout his terrifying ordeal has been his mother's voice by telephone each day and their weekly visits. She is her son's coping mechanism and is absolutely vital to him.  http://www.avoiceforneli.com/


A number of Neli's supporters believe that the incarceration of Lisa Alexander is in direct retaliation for her efforts to speak out against the corruption in Stafford County and her fight to have her son released to a facility capable of addressing his autism. Her internet campaign to win supporters to her son's cause was even mentioned by the prosecution during the course of the trial.


Lisa has been under such an extreme amount of stress over the past few years since Neli's arrest that she has suffered severe vision loss rendering her barely able to read. Family and friends are greatly concerned for her health and well being, as well as Neli's.


Is something wrong with the police and prosecutor in Stafford County?  Are they that Racist?  This Family needs legal representation immediately.  I'm calling on Attorney Willie Gary, Professor Charles Oglertree and some of our best legal minds to come to the aid of this family.  President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department should be investigating both of these cases.  We the collective Black African American Community must not allow this type of 1960s Southern Racist Justice to continue.  This is a test case to see if Black African Americans can be treated this way and no one says or does anything about it.  


Lisa and Neil could be our mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, child, brother, uncle or cousin.  They are apart of us. Where is Michelle Obama, who claims to support military families? Maybe these cases don’t present her and The White House with a photo opportunity?  She is an attorney and mother, but where is her compassion for Lisa and Neli?  Does county, city and state prosecutors still have the power to violate someone's civil liberties and human rights, if they are Black In America? CNN’s Soledad O’Brian,where are you? Where is the National Media, when this is happening to Blacks In America? Where is Black Media?  Where are Black Men?  Are Black Men too weak and afraid to fight for and protect our own children and women?  Does Lisa's husband still serve in the US Military and place his life on the line everyday for this nation, just have his wife and child treated this way?  


I say, "Enough Is Enough", to quote one of my mentors, William “Bill” Moss, who  profiled and role modeled Black Men’s Courage! Human Beings, but especially Black Men should ensure justice for this family! Where is our Manhood and Courage? This injustice cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged.  I challenge All Black Men, including President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to find the courage to stand up and address this injustice By Any And All Legal Means Necessary. 


Charles E. Campbell, Conscious Black African American Man This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Petition Link: http://www.change.org/petitions/pardon-wrongfully-convicted-autistic-youth-neli-latson

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More info on Neli Latson at http://www.avoiceforneli.com/

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55