Here are some things I would like to see under the CHANGE banner for Black America:
(1) Black people working together in UNITY,
(2) Black businesses being developed and growing with adequate technical skills, capital and consumer support,
(3) Black consumers understanding the importance of "selective patronage" and "reciprocity" from those we spend our dollars with,
(4) Building generational wealth across the Black community that enables us to control our community economically, politically, socially, and through improved education and school systems,
(5) Building a sense of Black race esteem, self-esteem, and pride that generates even greater love for self and all,
(6) Connecting with our Brothers and Sisters across the global Black Diaspora using technological tools and advancements in ways that empower us even further.
Yes, that's REAL CHANGE! And guess what -- if you're reading this .. YOU'RE A PART OF IT! Yes, you're using technology, you're literate, you're a leader in the 21st Century Movement of the Global Black Diaspora. Spread the news. Be encouraged. We're on the rise.
Remember CHANGE is a contact sport. You've got to get engaged and continually be thinking not just of your individual goals, but how can you network and build collectively? How can you be part of an organized effort? Who shares your vision? What key coalition partners can you nurture and develop?
Even President Obama said,"We don't ask you to believe in our ability to bring change, rather, we ask you to believe in yours."