09 Dec FATHER TO WALK 10,000 MILES (Completely AROUND the U.S.) For Children's Rights & To Prove Love For S

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I, Joshua Ryan Sinclair, hereby officially announce my intent to embark on a 10,000 MILE WALK (completely AROUND the U.S.) for "The ONE-Man March - A Father's WALK For LOVE & Justice, Part 3". 

Like the original "ONE-Man March" (During the Summer of 2001), the primary purposes will be the following:

1)  To establish and continually build upon an undeniable and unfadable (everlasting) foundation of eternal LOVE & CONCERN for my children, Evan, Ethan & Eian Sinclair, and whatever additional children that I might be blessed with in the future as a biological, adopted and/or substitute father. 

 2)  To courageously, zealously, and steadfastly advocate for CHILDREN'S RIGHTS - And to expose and initiate the END of any/all forms of bias in the Family Court system across the U.S. - Including, of course, the blatant racial, religious & economic bias and bigotry that has resulted in my two older [bi-racial] sons (Evan & Ethan - now ages 17 & 14 respectively) being maliciously used as pawns and as weapons against me because of a bitter custody dispute (and because of "The ONE-Man March... Parts 1&2"), and unjustly and un-necessarily TOTALLY ALIENATED from me - FOR TEN (10) YEARS THUSFAR!

3)  To "WALK The Walk" and passionately exhort and beseech warring parents to heretofore resist the urge (or CEASE) using their children as pawns and as weapons during custody disputes and/or because of vindictiveness resulting from any conflict between said parents - And to also thereby attack apathy-ism by diligently exposing and hopefully bringing about the official widespread recognition of - and END to - the plague of Parental Alienation Syndrome as a heinous and undeniable form of PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE against any child(ren) that has been or might be subjected to such exploitation and deprivation of their basic and inalienable HUMAN RIGHTS.  Not to mention also being selfishly deprived of the complete love, involvement & bond with their non-custodial parent (as well as their Grandparents on both sides of their family) - which they are entitled to. 

4)  To encourage other non-custodial parents who are also being unjustly and un-necessarily alienated from their children despite their desire to be more involved in their children's lives and education - And to also exhort those "absentee" (non-custodial) parents (especially fathers) who have perhaps given-up and make little or no effort to be involved in the lives of their children.

5)  Although this point obviously could not apply to "The ONE-Man March... Part 1&2", an additional purpose of "The ONE-Man March... Part 3" will be to basically "CALL-OUT" President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to finally begin to back-up some of their extraordinarily eloquent TALK:  Such as President Obama's "FIERCE URGENCY OF NOW!" and his often repeated criticism of absentee ("non-custodial") black fathers and his own repeated exhortations for us to be more involved in the lives of our children - while he (nor anyone else in his Administration) has not [yet] addressed or even responded to the dire plight of my young [bi-racial] sons, Evan & Ethan Sinclair, who have been and continue to be unjustly and un-necessarily totally alienated from their black father FOR TEN (10) YEARS THUSFAR - even though I was a "Stay-At-Home Dad" and their "Primary Caregiver" - And even though a Child Protective Services Investigation Report regarding Evan & Ethan (Dated: 7/6/2000) concluded:  "THERE IS CONCERN FOR THE CHILDREN'S (EVAN & ETHAN'S) EMOTIONAL STABILITY IN REGARD TO THEM NOT SEEING THEIR FATHER (ME)." - Plus, Attorney General Holder's initial criticism about the fact that the United States is a nation of "COWARDS" when it comes to issues of race - while, like the President, he also (nor anyone else in the Justice Department) has not [yet] addressed or even responded to the gross injustice and blatant racial & religious bias and bigotry regarding two young bi-racial boys being unjustly and un-necessarily totally alienated from their black father - and the blatant violation of our Civil Rights and our "inalienable" Rights according to in the U.S. Bill Of Rights, and our GOD-GIVEN "HUMAN RIGHTS."

By the way, does anyone think at least one of the reasons Attorney General Holder (nor anyone anyone else in the Justice Department) has not [yet] responded to my correspondences and complaints regarding my young children's dire plight might be because of the fact that my ex-wife previously informed me that her best friend, a woman named Mary Ware, is married to an FBI Agent?  And the fact that Mary Ware then testified against me in Family Court because of the fact that the "FLIERS" that promoted the initial "ONE-Man March" supposedly constituted "harassment" against my ex-wife and was supposedly "demeaning" to our children (who, please recall, were being unjustly and un-necessarily totally alienated from me).  Hence, the Monroe County Family Court actually issued a woefully frivolous "Order Of Protection" against me (obviously in desperate attempts to intimidate me and to pressure me into abandoning my plans to participate in the original "ONE-Man March").  Nevertheless, I was blessed to be able to follow through on my plans and to actually participate in the original "ONE-Man March (WALKING from Rochester, NY, to Albany, NY, then to Washington, DC) - But, shortly after I returned to Rochester from participating in the original "ONE-Man March" I was actually arrested (for the first time in my life), subjected to a strip-search, and kept in the Monroe County Jail overnight because - despite the First-Amendment - my participation in the original "ONE-Man March" was then claimed to be a "violation" of the aforementioned woefully frivolous Order of Protection!

Now I'm Doing It Again! - Stay Tuned!   

"The ONE-Man March... Part 3" is scheduled to last ONE (1) YEAR (starting on Father's Day), beginning in front of the Hall Of Justice in Rochester, NY, then traveling (counter-clockwise) in four primary stages, to Seattle, Washington; Then to San Diego, California; Then to Miami, Florida; Then to Bangor, Maine - VIA WASHINGTON, D.C.; Then back to Rochester, NY - VIA ALBANY, NY.     

 Please stay tuned for further details and updates.  For anyone who may be interested, in addition to the "Most Devoted Father" sites here on iZania and Myspace, additional (brief) daily updates will also be available on Facebook on the "Children's Rights" page (as well as the "Joshua Ryan Sinclair" Facebook page), and on Twitter listed under "TheOneManMarch".

Best Wishes & Blessings to all.  Joshua  

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55