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After being subjected to the unethical practices and blatant bias (albeit BIGOTRY) in the Monroe County (NY) Family Court; Monroe County Child Protective Services (CPS); The Law Guardian Dept.; And the so-called: "Society for the Protection and Care of Children (S.P.C.C.) - And after my ex-wife was evidently encouraged to subject our very young and vulnerable [bi-racial] sons, Evan & Ethan Sinclair (not to mention Yours Truly), to TOTAL PARENTAL ALIENATION (with the eager support - if not encouragement - of individuals affiliated with and acting on behalf of the aforementioned institution and agencies, and, of course, my ex-wife's divorce attorney) - I was blessed to be able to plan and participate in "The ONE-Man March - A Father's Walk For [LOVE &] Justice, Part 1".

Thus, during the Summer of 2001 I walked from the Hall Of Justice in Rochester, NY, to the State Capitol in Albany, NY, then to the Capitol Bldg. and the Lincoln Monument in Washington, DC.

 The purpose was to establish an indisputable LEGACY OF LOVE for my young children and prove how much I love them and miss them and how DETERMINED I am - AND WILL ALWAYS REMAIN - to be reunited with them and to fight for their rights and what is in their Best-Interests.

Of Course, another very important reason was to expose the unethical practices and blatant bias (albeit BIGOTRY) of those in the Family Court; CPS; The Law Guardian Dept.; And the S.P.C.C. et. al, who have participated in or at least permitted THE UNJUST AND UN-NECESSARY TOTAL ALIENATION OF MY TWO, YOUNG [BI-RACIAL] SONS FROM THEIR AFRICAN-AMERICAN FATHER, who was a "Stay-At-Home Dad" and their "Primary Caregiver."

 PLEASE NOTE:  Copies of the newspaper reports about "The ONE-Man March" are posted in the "My Photos Album" and are included in the top slideshow on the "Most Devoted Father" Myspace site and profile page.

I previously disclosed the fact that after my plans to participate in "The ONE-Man March" was announced, my ex-wife was encouraged to file a woefully frivolous Family Court Petition requesting an "Order Of Protection" against me, claiming that the "FLIERS" promoting "The ONE-Man March" constituted "harasssment" against her and was "demeaning" to our children.  Then, in an obvious attempt to intimidate me and to pressure me to abandon my plans to participate in "The ONE-Man March", the Family Court granted the rediculous "Order Of Protection" - Which, of course, was a brazen violation of my First-Amendment Rights

I also previously disclosed the fact that Acting Family Court Judge Craig J. Doran REFUSED to allow me to enter ANY "EVIDENCE" (including CPS Investigation Reports and Police Reports) OR to allow me to subpoena ANY "WITNESSES" for my "Defense" - During what must be one of the - if not THE - most egregious modern examples of a classic "KANGAROO-COURT"!

PLEASE NOTE:  A copy of the letter from Judge Craig J. Doran in which he denied my request to subpoena witnesses (POLICE OFFICERS AND CPS CASEWORKERS) for my "Defense" is posted in the "NOT In The Best-Interest Of The Children" album, on the "Most Devoted Father" Myspace site.

What I did NOT previously disclose is the fact that the woefully biased Judge Doran did, of course, allow my ex-wife and her attorney to subpoena witnesses - INCLUDING A WOMAN NAMED MARY WARE - in attempts to prove that the production and distribution of FLIERS promoting "The ONE-Man March" somehow constituted "harassment" against my ex-wife.  And that those FLIERS were supposedly "demeaning" to our children - who were being - AND CONTINUE TO BE - blatantly subjected to CONTINUOUS PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE by being maliciously used as PAWNS and as WEAPONS against me, by being prevented from having any contact or communication with me, thus being blatantly and maliciously subjected to PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME.

MARY WARE is/was one of my ex-wife's co-workers in a local NYS facility who my ex-wife described as her "Best-Friend".  The gist of Mary Ware's testimony against me was that she saw me "walking through Highland Park" (famous for the annual "Lilac Festival", and about a half mile from their place of employment) on a day that some of the "FLIERS" promoting "The ONE-Man March" were reportedly found on some of the vehicles in the parking lot, and that I 'was walking through the park with a woman who was tall and blonde.'  THAT was essentially all that Mary Ware came to court to say.

The comedian and former late-night TV show host, Arsenio Hall used to joke about various STRANGE and QUESTIONABLE "Things that make you go hummmmm?!?"  And you wise and insightful readers might also think about that other old and famous saying:  "Something smells rotten in Denmark!" when you consider the fact that my ex-wife also once boasted (perhaps in attempts to intimidate me during our bitter custody dispute) that "MARY WARE [HER 'BEST-FRIEND'] IS MARRIED TO AN FBI AGENT."  

Understandably, when I participated in "The ONE-Man March", and WALKED to the State Capitol in Albany, NY, then to The Capitol Bldg. and the Lincoln Monument in Washington, DC, for what I would certainly describe as a "PEACEFUL PROTEST", I likely became the subject of an FBI investigation.  That is to be expected.

A few months ago I sent a letter to President Obama and U.S. Atty. Gen. Holder (as well as NYS Gov. Paterson and NYS Atty. Gen. Cuomo, Dated: 4/22/09) regarding THE DIRE PLIGHT OF MY YOUNG [BI-RACIAL] SONS, EVAN & ETHAN SINCLAIR (mailed with DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE) regarding the fact that they continue to be unjustly and un-necessarily totally alienated from me, their Most Devoted [African-American] Father, in violation of their (our) Constitutional Rights; Civil Rights; and GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS - And even though a CPS Investigation Report (Dated: 7/6/2000) concluded with the following observatons and serious concerns about Evan & Ethan:  "THERE IS CONCERN FOR THE CHILDREN'S EMOTIONAL STABILITY IN REGARDS TO THEM NOT SEEING THEIR FATHER."

In that letter I also asked if I was, in fact, investigated by the FBI because of "The ONE-Man March" or for any other reason.


IF is IS true that Mary Ware is (or was) married to an FBI AGENT, I also asked the esteemed gentlemen if it is not safe to assume that her husband would naturally be very interested in a case in which his wife agreed to testify in court on behalf of her "Best-Friend"? - Perhaps especially since her "Best-Friend" [falsely] claimed that her [BLACK] ex-husband was an abuser who she also evidently claimed was A THREAT TO HER "BEST-FRIEND" AND TO HER BEST FRIEND'S YOUNG CHILDREN, and who they claimed was harassing her "Best-Friend" etc. 

Finally, I also asked if it is not also safe to assume that a woman (like Mary Ware) in a situation like that (agreeing to testify in Family Court on behalf of her "Best-Friend") - And with a husband who is an FBI AGENT - might also be inclined to at least suggest (or frankly ask) her husband if there was 'anything that [he] could do?' etc. and if he would be able to use his position and his influence TO HELP HER "BEST-FRIEND" (AND HER BEST-FRIEND'S YOUNG CHILDREN) etc.? 

 As of the date of this blog posting, I have not yet received a response from The White House or from The Justice Department (or from Gov. Paterson or NYS Atty. Gen. Cuomo):  No response regarding THE DIRE PLIGHT OF MY YOUNG [BI-RACIAL] SONS.  No letter CONFIRMING or DENYING that the FBI has (or had) a "file" on me and whether or not I was ever the subject of an FBI investigation.  And no letter CONFIRMING or DENYING that Mary Ware (my ex-wife's "Best-Friend") is or was, in fact, married to a current or former FBI AGENT.

 P.S.:  Within a month after I returned to Rochester, NY, from "The ONE-Man March" I was ARRESTED - FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE (and subjected to a "Strip-Search" and kept in the Monroe County Jail overnight) for allegedly violating the aforementioned woefully frivolous "Order Of Protection" that was previously issued against me because of the claims that the production and distribution of the FLIERS promoting "The ONE-Man March" constituted "harassment" against my ex-wife and was "demeaning" to our children, 

When I was brought before a Judge the next morning I simply reminded the Judge of how rediculous - AND REVEALING - it was that the Ku Klux Klan and Skin-Head groups are often allowed to exercise their First-Amendment Rights and plan and participate in various "marches" during which they spread and shout-out vicious LIES and foment HATE - And during which they are often PROTECTED by Law Enforcement ~ But this [AFRICAN-AMERICAN] MOST DEVOTED FATHER was actually arrested simply for walking to Albany, NY, and Washington, DC, in attempts to promote the TRUTH and to prove how much I LOVE my children etc.!

I also stressed to the Judge the fact that I (like countless Civil-Rights Activists in the past), in fact, consider it "A BADGE OF HONOR" to actually be arrested (for the first time in my life) for walking to Albany and Washington to prove how much I love my children - And that someday when they are older and hopefully wise and insightful enough to seek and appreciate the truth, they might be PROUD of the fact that of all of the things that their father COULD have been arrested in put in jail for - THEIR FATHER WAS ARRESTED AND SPEND A NIGHT IN JAIL FOR WALKING TO WASHINGTON TO PROVE HIS LOVE FOR THEM AND TO PROTEST THE VIOLATIONS OF THEIR RIGHTS.



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55