30 Aug 12 good reasons to use video or Camtasia as a marketing strategy to promote your business

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We all know what videos are and basically how they work. And we all know what slide shows are and how they work. But have you really seriously considered the benefits of using video marketing to promote your business?? The  future of your business and marketing success will depend highly on one or the other type. The Revolution has already begun, but the question is, will you be part of it? Will you be able to successfully market your business, product or service in the future without using video or camtasia in your advertising strategy?

In reality Camtasia is only a slide show with voice over and or music background, but the effects that it can have on your marketing and business success is enormous. I've compiled a few reasons to give you an example of just how important some type of video marketing will be to the future of your business.

1-Save on advertising costs- This is #1 priority- CPC, PCP, Adsense. How do you  promote your business? If you are a business owner you will have to promote whatever it is that you are selling at one point or another, and there are many sites around allow you to  advertise your business on their network free of charge. 

 If you are only advertising with a sales letter or pitch page, that could be the reason that you  are not making many sales and spending far too much money on pay advertisement- when  you broadcast whatever it is that you are selling people will pay more attention to what you  are saying than what you are writing. You should really consider placing a video or  Camtasia in your sales letter or pitch page or on your website.

2-To Promote Your Business- Use video marketing to promote your company, you can also use your slide show to promote your business using images from your events or grand opening. Promote your company's products or services using viral video, Camtasia, or slide show. When you upload pics and voice over in a Camtasia for instance, you increase your chances of selling the product by at least 50% because the customer can at  least see in a small demonstration what they will be purchasing.

3-To promote and sell products and services from other companies- This is a  great way to earn extra cash as an affiliate. Promote other companies products using video, Camtasia, or slide show. This makes selling much easier.  

 4-To Promote and sell your product or service quicker and easier- In 2007 the   rules of online marketing and advertising started changing with the introduction of the Camtasia studio to marketing and advertising and has kept going. Today in 2009 it's almost  impossible to properly promote and sell products not using this one technique. 

5-To Better Explain Your Product or Service- When you use this marketing technique, your customers can view the product and this gives you that extra edge that you  need over your competition.

6-To Better Illustrate Your Product or Service- Show you customers exactly how  to do it. Use graphics, and pics in your video, slide show or camtasia, illustrate your  product. By doing this you give your customers information that they can filter and use  instantly.

7-To Get Ahead of Your Competition- Use this one technique to sell your product  or service, get in front of your competition and sell the product much easier.

8-To Increase your sales- When you use video in your sales letter to help you  explain your product you are giving your potential customer that extra bit of information  that will probably help you to hook that sale.

9-To Increase your bottom line- This is obvious, and if you are selling a product or  service, you want to advertise as cheaply and effectively as you can by reducing your  advertising costs.

10-For More Visibility- Your company needs to be seen and the best way to do this  is through advertisement, especially viral or camtasia type video. In addition to other types  of advertising methods that you use such as article writing, this technique can really put  you in front of your main target audience which is exactly where you want to be.

11-To help you acquire new customers- video marketing helps you build your  reputation quicker and attract more customers to your business.  

12-The Lazy Customers-  Customers now days are not really interested in reading a  lot of information no matter how good it is, and the quicker you can convince them the  quicker you make a sale.

As we all know that 2009 will be HUMmmmm DINGER and people are looking every place to find inexpensive methods to market their products. Even thought there are many ways to totally promote your product free of charge, lets face it, at one point or another you will have to pay for some of your advertising costs.

If you have been struggling to sell your product or service or promote products from other companies and wondering why it is not working, don't you think that it's about time to change your strategy?

Question. How much money do you spend on advertising costs monthly? $100-$500-$1000

The use of video/camtasia or slide show is the #1 preference in the marketing and advertising arena today to promote and sell your product or service and if you are not using it, you will have more difficulty selling your product or service.


Many online marketers and business owners are not using this one technique to increase their sales and bottom line, and that's a BIG mistake.


  • If you are spending too much money promoting your product and not seeing any results then you need a new strategy.
  • If you are spending hours upon hours, promoting your service and nobody seems to be interested, then maybe you need a new strategy.
  • If you spend hours promoting someone else's product and not getting anywhere, then maybe you need to change your strategy.
  • If you are spending too money for advertisement, then maybe you need a new strategy 

Earning income on the internet is not as complicated as many people think, you only have to do it right.

To sell a product or service or to promote products and service from other companies, now days, you need something else, but what will this something else cost me? As I said before, at one point you will have to pay for some of your advertisement.

Online marketing is changing daily and normal websites are only a part of the overall schematic, just by having a website will not help you earn money on the Internet. In addition to my websites I also use my business network, and many other techniques to promote my business and earn money working on the Internet.

You have to balance and weigh out the differences between the have and the have not's, predator or prey, the $10.000 a month online marketer.

Check out my next article and I will tell you how to create your own Video or camtasia to promote your product or service free of charge.


Don Ridgeway

CEO- RCMG-3/WEMP-Marketing Desktop


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55