03 Dec ISBAB's - Tip of the day:

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Google is constantly changing their Algorithms and making new updates. This causes much confusion and anxiety for many blog and website owners because they fear that their ranking will drop if they make a mistake. Here’s how to get around Google’s SEO. One of my secrets weapons is “To Use An Image Based website”. If you are marketing products or services, as I do, make your website an “IMAGE” based site or blog. Because when you market products on the big sites like Amazon, ebay or whoever, they automatically link to Google. And if you set up your Amazon business or any business correctly and market your product like the world is about to end, Amazon will reward you and place you on their best seller list.

Example: if you were selling hand wormers and use keywords that are high in traffic value and volume, you can use these keywords in the title of your product or website as well as in the description. You will get many hits and Google will place your site on it’s first page listings for those keywords. This way there is hardly a need to worry about SEO because Google will automatically pick you up, especially if you are using Adwords. This will be easy for you because Adwords will always give you the keywords which are high in traffic and  PPC cost, which is also an indicator that, that particular keyword is being used millions of times. Remember, if you are making a new website or blog the best would be to place your keywords in the TITLE and description of your blog, website, product or service.

Courtesy of http://www.isbab.com The Independent And Small Business Owners Advise Bureau.



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55