16 Aug Internet Marketing 2009 A New Arena

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From the desktop of Don Ridgeway CEO RCMG-3 Marketing Group-10 year Veteran of Internet Marketing.

Are you having problems selling your product or service, do you still wonder why the products that you are promoting are not selling ?

Are you not earning the money that you hear everyone else is-but seems to be slipping through your finger tips? There are many reasons but I think that the main reasons are:

1-Truth is, they probably have been in business for a long time, success does not come overnight.

2-They use techniques that you don't use, and that is video or camtasia in their marketing and advertising.

If you have only been in business for a couple of years or so, then you have to build up your reputation, and you can only do this by being on the scene, learning from others a concentrating on your business.

The use of video and camtasia has taken preference in the marketing and advertising arena, this one technique alone can greatly increase your bottom line. If you are an internet marketer and not using this one strategy, then you are missing out on you piece of the pie.

Most Internet marketers are not using this one technique. Why? Because most website owners can't afford it, simple as that. That is why most people put their videos up on Youtube or where ever. Problem is, you get lost in the crowd and no one knows you're there.

If you are spending too much money promoting your product and not seeing any results then you need a new strategy.

  • If you are spending hours upon hours, promoting your service and nobody seems to be interested, then maybe you need a new strategy.
  • If you spend hours promoting someone else's product and not getting anywhere, then maybe you need to change your strategy
  • If you are spending too money for advertisement, then maybe you need a new strategy 

Earning income on the internet is not as complicated as some people think, you just have to do it right.

To sell a product or service or to promote products and service from other companies, now days, you need something else, but what will this something else cost me?

Today it's all about video marketing and people are getting lazier my the minute. Most potential customers don't have the time to read a 25 page sales letter anymore, and they will leave your site almost immediately unless it's something that they really want.

If you are not concentrated on video marketing chances are you will not sell your product or service that easily. The days of the 25 page long sales letter are practically over and people want quick information. Providing your customers with information that they can digest almost instantly could put one step closer to making that sale.

Just remember one thing:

The rules of online marketing are changing daily and conventional websites are just not enough these days to put your company out in front of your main target audience. So how do you solve this problem? You join a company that will allow you to promote your business 24/7, a company that can provide you with this technology and allow you to up-load, post and sell your product or service from your own network.   

You ask where can I find a company like that? There are companies that will allow you to sell your products from their platform, but you have to be a member. A really good tip would be wemp-solutions.org. It's very good and not expensive and is especially designed for business owners. You can check it out here http://www.wemp-solutions.org/ enter the site and click on the WEMP-Network link to view the site.

This company provide it's members with a platform where they can up-load videos to the internet, Youtube and Myspace as welll and provide you with a professional slide show. If  you are an entertainer you can upload promote and sell your music from your network.

You can connect to your Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Myspace accounts, you get a free Blog, you can post your forums or announce your events, up-load product images and back link to your website, sales letter or squeezes page  All business owners can up-load promote and sell their products and services free of charge.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55