21 Nov Race War or Black Genocide

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 Race War or Black Genocide:

Where is Black Leadership? Jesse and Al are missing on this one!

Respect! One Love, One People, One Goal: Black Empowerment

Charles E. Campbell

 Read The Comments of Dr. Claud Anderson:

For over thirty years, I have warned Black America that the massive influx of immigrants into this country would have a negative impact primarily on Black Americans. Major White corporations, Asians, Arabs, and Hispanics would benefit by gained "unearned" minority and affirmative benefits which were originally intended for Black Americans. Unfortunately, my warnings were drowned-out civil rights leaders who felt Black Americans were an economic drain, political liability and therefore, expendable.

As indicated in the article below, the truth and "the chickens have come home to roost."  Hispanics in particular, are not breaking into this country to "get along" with Black people. They are migrating into this country to "get ahead of and over" Black Americans. The Hispanic national goal of displacing and replacing Black people in America was established by a Spanish-speaking group that met in Kansas City in 1972 and created a National Hispanic Party. They pledged to do everything possible to break-down this nations immigration barriers, significantly increase the numbers and political clout of Spanish-speaking people and to economically, politically, and socially supplant Black people by the year 2000.

     To make living space for Spanish immigrants, legal and illegal immigrants intimidate Blacks and force them out of their neighborhoods. They use the Spanish language and culture to exclude Blacks while getting special benefits for being a "language minority." This use is an abuse of our laws and customs. The 1965-67 immigration laws forbidden the use of "country of origin" as a qualifying immigration factor. Yet, for the last thirty years,  that is exactly what Hispanics have been doing and getting away with. Hispanics are getting immigration "special treatment." Public notices are not being announced in Spanish but not in French, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese or an African language, private and public entities are promoting and announcing in Spanish. Language and Culture are empowerment tools. Once you elevate the language and culture, you elevate the people. After years of learning English and European culture, it is hard to believe that Black Americans are now rushing to learn Spanish and participate in Hispanic culture. When will we ever learn. Next, Blacks will encourage their children to learn Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese, even though most Blacks are still struggling with English. Rather than learning Spanish, why don't Blacks insist that Hispanics learn English and then Swahili?

       According to their driver licenses, immigration documents as well as their racial classification prior to the 1960 Black Civil Rights Movement, Hispanics and Arabs were classified as "Whites." Asians have been on probation to be White. Hispanics lived with, went to school with, married, and passed as "Whites." Today, only 3/10th of one percent of Hispanics are classified as "non-white." So, Hispanics 
enjoy double benefits. They claim minority preferences, then side with the White majority in politics and in prisons against Blacks. Hispanics are killing Blacks across Americans while set-out, Sambo Blacks are mouthing non-sense about a "Black-Brown alliance." Such an alli is only in the heads of silly Black people. Some will never learn to ally with their own people first and foremost. We are the only group in this country that wants to be accepted by others at the expense of our own people. That why we use broad terms like "minorities," "poor people,"  "diversity," "multicultural," and "people of color." Sometimes the naivete and stupidity of some of our so-called Black leaders, or visible Blacks, is absolutely sickening. God knows it takes a strong person to be "Black." Read the article below, at least if nothing more than for the exercise.
     Dr. Claud Anderson
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55