05 Dec Winter Hair Care Tips

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  I live in Michigan where it gets really cold. As the weather changes so does our  wardrobes, driving conditions and you hair regimen should change as well. If you were lax in your hair care during the warmer months, you may have survived with minor damage, but if you do not take some serious precautions during the colder, dryer months, come Spring, you will definitely regret it and your hair will be upset with you.

Winter months in cold regions can wreak havoc on your hair, it's very important to choose low maintenance styles so that you do not have to comb or brush often. It's also a great idea to incorporate practices that causes very little stress on your hair such as letting the hair air dry instead of blow drying it; finger combing the hair instead of using an actual comb; or if you do use a comb, use a wide tooth comb. Also, chose good moisturizing and strengthening hair care products that do not contain mineral oil, paraffin, petrolatum, SLS or SLES, as all of these cause dryness. Sweet Nature by Eddie  is and EXCELLENT place to start; the KITS  are all all formulated to strengthen and hydrate the hair, even in the harshest elements.

The harsh cold and frosty winds can cause excessive dryness and dandruff, and if you don't retain or replenish the moisture and protein in your hair, damage will soon follow. The best way to combat this is by protecting the hair. During the winter, I never leave my house without my hair being covered or protected. I generally wear a satin or silk scarf under my winter hat to preserve the style as well as prevent direct contact with the harsh materials most hats are made of.

In the winter the air becomes extremely dry and harsh; inside and out. In order to retain moisture in your hair during the day, it is good to use a humidifier to emit humidity in the air inside of your home or office. This will not only combat dry and brittle hair, but can help prevent or minimize dandruff. Lightly hydrating the hair each morning will also benefit the hair (CLICK HERE TO SEE WHICH MOISTURIZER IS BEST FOR YOUR HAIR TYPE)

Many women opt to wear protective styles during the winter. Protective styles are styles that guards the ends of the hair from the elements; buns, braid extensions, and weaves are a few protective styles to consider. Each of these styles are generally low maintenance, and if maintained properly will allow you to preserve as much of your hair as possible throughout the winter months.

If you choose to wear a bun, it's important to make sure that the hair is not pulled back too tightly, as this may cause stress on the hair line. It is also a good idea to take the bun down every night and lightly mist the ends (about the last 2 inches of hair) with a good moisturizing spray such as GROWTH  by Sweet Nature by Eddie; which is made with some incredibly hydrating ingredients. and then lock in that moisture with a heavy oil such as castor oil or a heavy moisturizer such as WISDOM HEAVY BUTTER.  This will leave the hair super soft, strong and moisturized in the morning.

Braid extensions are also a great choice for winter months. If you follow these simple tips, not only will you preserve your hair, but you will have much stronger, softer and healthier hair come Spring. If you are going to use synthetic braiding hair such as yaki, kanekelon or other synthetic fibers, it is best if you soak the hair in apple cider vinegar and then rinse in cool water before getting your extensions put in. Synthetic braids come coated with a chemical that causes our hair to become dry; this will strip the chemical away. Another way to reduce dryness is by spraying the hair with a braid spray every day, again the Growth Spray by Sweet Nature is an excellent braid spray. You don't have to drench the hair; a fine mist throughout the extensions will suffice. Also, be sure to wash the hair regularly to avoid excessive build up at the base of the braid, adding some apple cider vinegar to the shampoo can help with this. CHECK OUT THE BRAID KIT! 

Weaves are considered protective only if they are sewn in and your own hair is cornrowed, out of harm's way. In this case, the only thing that is essential to retain moisture is to make sure that it is replenished on a regular basis. Depending on the quality of the weave, it's a good idea to run water through the hair regularly, followed with a good moisturizing spray (Check out Sweet Nature's Spray).

Regardless of which protective style you chose to rock during the winter, it's important to make water your best friend; drink plenty of it and let it run through your hair often. You don't have to shampoo your hair every time you get it wet, but just letting water run through your hair will restore lost moisture. When I wear braid extensions, I let water run through my braid every other day; although I wash them only once a week. I also try to kick up my water intake to no less than sixty or so ounces a day. 

The best way of all to combat winter damage is to be proactive. If you start out with your hair strong and healthy before the winter, it will be a lot easier to maintain and preserve during winter. Adopt a weekly routine of washing with a moisturizing shampoo void of SLS and SLES; a good deep conditioner, and good moisturizer that does not contain mineral oil, petrolatum or paraffin, as these ingredients lead to dryness.

For MORE Tips check out my BOOK

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55