27 Oct Erasing the Boundary Lines .. 10/28/2012 Sunday School

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Sunday School Lesson for 10/28/2012.  Acts 8:26-39.  Who Understands Faith?

Erasing the Boundary of Race and Religion - Acts 8:26-29

Erasing the Boundary of Rejection - Acts 8:30-35

Erasing the Boundary of Relationship - Acts 8:36-39

Ethiopia - country South of Egypt of the Nile

Ethiopia Eunuch - treasurer of Candance.  He had financial and political standing but had a spiritual void in his life.  He was reading the book of Isaiah out loud when Philip the Evangelist/Deacon, was sent by the Holy Spirit from Samaria to help him.  Philip led the African to faith in Christ from Isaiah 53.

Candance - Queen of Ethiopia

Ethiopia - In the New Testament of the Bible, it was ruled by a queen with the title or name Candance 



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55