11 Apr 2 of 2 ... Promises Kept ... 4/7/2013

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Sunday School Lesson for 4/7/2013. Unit II. Resurrection Hope. Luke 24:36-53 (Devotional Reading I Corinthians 15:1-8).

Jesus/Yeshua kept His word and fulfilled the words of prophecy about Himself through His Resurrection.

The Christian Church has failed their God-given assignment to proclaim Jesus/Yeshua to all nations (Luke 24:47).

The Great Commission global evangelism which Jesus/Yeshua preached after He arose from the dead.

Mankind is too skeptical of things at times that seems too good to be true, and that's why some miss out on opportunities. We can also become at times overwhelmed when the unbelieveable becomes believeable.

Kenneth T. Wessner, Chairman of the Board of Service Master company's philosophy was shared in my sunday school lesson and you can learn more about it: http://www.evancarmichael.com/Sales/385/Mastery-can-be-a-valid-sales-goalwhat-is-your-mission.html ( http://www.kiva.org/lender/EntrepreneursForAfrica ).

Luke 24:36-53

Verses 36-43 ... Jesus Christ; Appearances Of Christ After His Resurrection; On the Day of His Resurrection; To the Ten, Then Thomas

Verse 39 ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Humanity; Christ's Incarnation

Luke 24:39,42,43 ... Jesus appeared in bodily/flesh form to His disciples and ate food with them. Their was eyewitnesses of Jesus walking talking eating after the grave which testifies that He arose from the dead.

(John 20:19-23; Luke 24:13; John 21:1; Acts 1:3; I Corinthians 15:6 Reference Scriptures from Sunday School Book)

Verse 44 ... Scripture; Characteristics of Scripture; Permanence and Fulfillment of Scripture

Verse 45 ... Scripture; Promulgation of Scripture; Instruction in Scripture (Promulgation decree, news, make know to the public)

Verse 46 ... Jesus Christ; Prophecies Concerning Christ; Resurrection

Verse 47 ... Man Redeemed; Justification; Pardon, Promised ... Pardon for Sins and Iniquities Promised

Verse 48 ... Sacred Persons & Offices; Apostles; The Twelve; Special Duties, To Bear Witness

Verse 49 ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Performs the Works of God, In Bestowing Spiritual Blessings ... The Holy Spirit Promised

Luke 24:44 ... Jesus refreshed His disciples mind concerning the prophecies about Him.
Luke 24:46-47 .... Jesus suffering death resurrection was the only way for mankind to receive forgiveness for sins. Repentance and remissions of sins should be preached to all nations, in His name.
(Deuteronomy 18:15; Psalms/Tehillim 2:7, 22:14-18; Isaiah 53, 61:1; Luke 24:32,45; Acts 1:4-8; Acts 1:9-11)

Verse 50 ... Jesus Christ; Appearance Of Christ After His Resurrection; At Other Times, To the Eleven at the Mount of Olives

Verse 51 ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Ascension: Christ In Heaven; Christ's Ascension

Verse 52 ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Christ Possesses the Attributes of God, Is an Object of Worship

Verse 53 ... Sacred Places; Other Sacred Places; Among Christians, Who Used the Jewish Temple

Luke 24:50,51 .... Bethany a village near Jerusalem, beyond the Jordan (John 1:28) and the Ascension of Christ was at Bethany.

Luke 24:52 ... The disciples praised God in the temple.

(Exodus 34:14; John 4:24)

I Corinthians 15:1-8

Verses 1,2 ... Scripture; Promulgation of Scripture; God's Word Declared

Verse 3 ... Jesus Christ; Offices of Christ; Our Propitiation (Propitiation atonement) ... Pardon for Sins and Iniquities Promised

Verse 4 ... Jesus Christ; Prophecies Concerning Christ; Resurrection

Verse 5 ... Jesus Christ; Appearances of Christ After His Resurrection to Peter

Verse 6 ... Jesus Christ; Appearances of Christ After His Resurrection; At Other Times, To Five Hundred Brethren at Once

Verse 7 ... Jesus Christ; Appearances Of Christ After His Resurrection; At Other Times, To James

Verse 8 ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Ascension: Christ In Heaven; Christ in Heaven
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Bible & Reader's Digest Oxford Complete Wordfinder
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55