11 Apr 1 of 2 ... Promises Kept ... 4/7/2013

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My Sunday School Lesson Bible Reading for the week of April 7,2013 is coming from the Book of I Corinthians, John and Luke.

You can make a promise(s), but if you do, let your yes be yes, and your no be no.

Place your trust in Christ not mankind for God is in control, no matter what circumstances comes up in life.

Monday April 1, 2013 Appearances of the Risen Lord I Corinthians 15:1-8

Tuesday April 2, 2013 The Appearance to Mary Magdalene John 20:11-18

Resurrection Appearances of Jesus/Yeshua ... John 20:11-18

Wednesday April 3, 2013 The Appearance to Thomas John 20:24-29

Resurrection Appearances of Jesus ... John 20:24-29

Thursday April 4,2013 The Appearance to Seven Disciples John 21:1-8

John 21:1-8 ... The Appendix

The Appendix ... the last two verses of John Chapter 20 probably constituted the ending of the Gospel. Probably John Chapter 21 as an appendix to clear up-explain a misunderstanding that had risen regarding Jesus' words concerning the future of the beloved disciple (verses 20-23), and to restore Peter to a position of unique responsibility within the Church (verses 15-19).

Appendix ... subsidiary matter at the end of a book or document.

Friday April 5, 2013 Breakfast with the Disciples John 21:9-14

John 21:9-14 ... Appendix

Saturday April 6, 2013 Simon Peter Called To Follow John 21:15-19

John 21:15-19 ... Appendix

Sunday April 7, 2013 You Are Witnesses of These Things Luke 24:36-53

In the upper room ... Luke 24:36-49

The Ascension of Jesus/Yeshua .... Luke 24:50-52

Personal Private Assignment:

Meditate on any promise to God and others that you have not followed through on/failed to keep. Ask God for grace to fulfill that/those promises according to His will.

Create a Private Journal/Diary of promises via of searching Scriptures of God's promises to you regarding various concerns you face on your life's journey.
My Personal Concerns ...

June 8, 2010 I placed 3 areas of concerns in My Precious Promise Bible ad wrote Scriptures Chapters and verses concerning these.

One year later the second concern God answered my prayer.

May 13, 2011 I wrote on the back of this list and added another request.

My Scriptures with Promises are in the Old and New Testament.

Scripture & reference used/taken from: Zondervan Bible Commentary & Reader's Digest Complete Wordfinder
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55