Business Advice
THE BARON SON: (Choose to Be Rich)
Every time we go to the mall and buy an unneeded item of clothing, the latest gadget, a fancier car than we can afford, and even every time we buy a toy or game for our child before investing for his or her future, we are choosing to be poor.
The Strategy Gap: What Do Minority Businesses Need Most?
Entrepreneurs often see strategy as something they just do not have time to do. No wonder they think what they need most is contracts and capital... Strategy does not have to be a long, expensive process. There are five critical questions.
THE BARON INSIGHT (5 Considerations in Making Important Financial Decisions)
When making investments, it is always important to take a holistic viewpoint. Contrary to popular belief, an isolated financial strategy is extremely risky and unlikely to bring you lasting success.
Most people struggle financially because they attempt to build wealth with a linear approach—using one investment strategy, one portfolio, and one stream of income. To build significant wealth in a way that brings your greater freedom with each dollar made, you have to learn to manage multiple investment strategies, portfolios, and streams of income.
MondayMover -- Self Assessment... part of the cycle!
Missing the point... not closing the business? Without the target and the specifics, the headline, sentence, or storyline comes across weak. Swap out all three for conversation.
MondayMover -- Better Late Than Left Out!
Profound crisis - Opportunity - or both?
According to Wiktionary, sabotage reads as follows: A deliberate action aimed at weakening an enemy through subversion, obstruction, disruption, and/or destruction. To stomp out the things that cause us discomfort is to take on the role of saboteur. We are in a constant struggle between problem and promise.
THE BARON INSIGHT (Greatest Barrier to Millionaire Success)
Have you ever wondered why some people are able to become millionaires in less than five years, while others struggle their whole lives to achieve financial independence? What do these successful entrepreneurs and investors do differently? What do they see that others miss?