THE BARON INSIGHT (Greatest Barrier to Millionaire Success)

William R. Patterson
Have you ever wondered why some people are able to become millionaires in less than five years, while others struggle their whole lives to achieve financial independence? What do these successful entrepreneurs and investors do differently? What do they see that others miss?

The answer lies in the wisdom that comes from their knowledge, emotional intelligence, habits, network, and advisors. It is this wisdom that allows them to discern the most profitable long-term course and take appropriate action.

Most people are their own greatest obstacle to success. Out of fear, habit, overconfidence, or convenience, they choose to do everything themselves even when securing help from others would give them 10-100 times greater results. This is known as the "Superman or Superwoman" syndrome.

When one falsely believes he or she is required or even capable of doing everything him or herself, one often becomes preoccupied with lower income activities and misses larger million-dollar opportunities.

"Superman or Superwoman" syndrome is the most common barrier we see among all levels of coaching clients, from beginners to those running multi-million-dollar corporations. If it is not your core competency and you can achieve a higher return by leveraging others, it usually makes sense to do so.

Take a moment to think about the impact of "Superman or Superwoman" syndrome on your personal finances or business. What would 10-100 times greater results mean for your income, free time, confidence and comfort level?

Start today to uncover the psychological barriers that have been holding you back financially and learn to rapidly build your business and personal wealth with over 200 financial accelerators in the BARON Wealth Coaching Program.

— William R. Patterson