Get $75 in free search marketing advertising on a major search engine.
How to get new customers.Search marketing can be effective low cost way to get new customers,to find your business when they're online looking to buy. Search marketing is also call keyword advertising. Big and small business use search marketing to market there products. Keyword search marketing is your ticket to search marketing success for your business. Search engine marketing strategy makes sense if you want to acquire new customers through your web site.
Can you afford it? Yes
Compare cost per lead. On the average $0.29 versus $1.18 for yellow pages advertising and $9.94 for direct mail inserts. 80% of web usage starts with a search engine. You set your bids to match your budget.
How search marketing works.
Pick your keywords and set your own price per click.Can target your keywords by cities,times of day and customer demographics you want the most.
Please give it a try, you will be very happy that you did.
You can get $75 in free search marketing advertising to get you started. Get the full details at our web site.
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