Book excerpt from Zero Mathematics: The Science of Today ©2005 by Lady Charmaine Day all rights reserved book available on and
Zero Mathematics: The Science of Today (Me2=c=0 or Me2=c=∞)
The world view on needs is about zero mathematics (pimping and hoing). The world offers you nothing and expects you to give everything you have in return. You never self-actualize because you gain nothing in this world's economy. God offers you everything for nothing (at no cost to you but your faith, trust and belief in his son). You self-actualize because you gain everything in God's economy because you have:
o Knowledge of whose you are
o The truth
o You know reality versus illusions
o You are aware of what you are capable of (infinite possibilities) because you have everything you need already because God gave it to you before you were born: creativity, knowledge, wisdom, infinite possibilities, unlimited resources, opportunities, solutions, 100% brain capacity
o You speak about opportunities not problems
o Your self-image is tied to God not the world's standard (money, mind, matter)
o Your have the character of Jesus
So why are most Christian's empty? Unfulfilled? Why do most people:
o Have nothing?
o Act like they are nothing?
o Can't keep nothing?
o Have a "ho" mentality (Zero mental image)
When with God the:
o impossible is possible
o life is miraculous
o you have everlasting life
o you feel happy, joy, peace
o have prosperity and a prosperous attitude
o infinite possibilities
They are empty because they have not truly put Jesus as their Lord and Savior and dropped the S from their chest (S=superhuman, slave, sickness, stupidity, slut, stubborn, stiff-necked, sell out or Satan's). They are in essence being fake phony Christians versus the genuine article.
Zero Mathematics: The Science of Today can be expressed mathematically as the following equation:
Me2=c=0 (non-believer) or Me2=c=∞ (believer)
M= mind, matter, me, management,
E= expectations, excellence, excitement, energy (control)
2= to your highest good level, choice, reality. It is also the combination of you plus another life force
c= the constant in your life, Christ
0 or ∞= The equation can equal 0 (zero) or ∞ (infinity)
If you are living "in" the world versus "of" the world, you are still part of the worlds system of things. And the world, the devil, darkness operates under "Zero Mathematics". Zero mathematics or like the hustlers say "Pimping and Prostitution." And here is how it goes: For nothing, the world expects you to give everything you have to it and you gain nothing. You literally gain nothing. You feel nothing but emptiness, no matter how much you obtained or how many goals you reach...empty. The American dream a lie. You give what you think is "love" to others but in reality you are giving lust, greed and selfishness because you don't love because you don't know how. You can't give what you don't have. And how can you have it? Are you loving yourself running up credit, lying, stealing, hustling, cheating, prostituting yourself for a paycheck and the roof over your head. Or maybe for the title, status, the ring, the bling, the drugs, the food...whatever your bag, there is no difference evident in you as a Christian then someone who is a Sinner. You come to church to try to clean off the dirt that never goes away...just hidden under the nice girl or guy image. The pretense to cover up the ugliness you either been through or thrown down when no one is looking. NOTHING. ZERO. The Devil's economics and if you feel empty living fix to fix on happy moments versus long term contentment (me2=c=0).
What is God's economics? How can you equal infinite? Well first you have to recognize that your spirit is infinite not finite. When you become a Christian you are suppose to kill your natural man "flesh" and live by your "spirit" man. The Bible says God communicates in the spirit to our spirits. And we know the bible says that with Jesus we can do all things. Jesus is a spirit who is also infinite. When you truly believe in Jesus, you no longer feel empty inside, you don't operate in nothing, you don't see yourself as nothing. You move from living consciously in sin to living consciously in S.I.M. Self-image and Mind Management.
Me2=c=∞ means me to the highest good, being the best I am meant to be...being in God's will. To be in God's will I must equal Christ. How can I truly believe in Jesus? How can I ever equal Christ? By following the C in the equation.
Here are a few of the C's:
Consistent: Consistent in the character God has created me to be with evidence of the spirit in my life. Constantly searching to improve and build a better relationship with God.
Creating: creating a reality based on truth.
Co-labor: Co-laborer in God's work for my life. Changing: what's not right.
Cross: Cross of SIM. Self-image and mind management that says Jesus
was the ultimate sacrifice so that I can have a relationship with him and my father Jehovah. I no longer have to walk in darkness but light, perceptions/lies versus reality, false expectations versus God's promises for an abundant prosperous life in all areas. My cross is to drop the S of superwoman or superman and pick up the J for Jesus knowing he's got me and will help me conquer through the holy spirit the sin, family and friend drama, perceptions, lies, expectations, and stay grounded with the reality that God's in control I'm not. Let Go...Let God.
Cause: fighting the fight. It can be hard to walk in SIM versus SIN if do it in my
own strength. I must continually fight to remember to Let Go and Let God and stand on Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Jesus who strengthens me."
Christian: Be true to form as according to I Corinthians 13.
Contagious: touching others with the gifts of love and hope Jesus gives
Communication: dynamically presenting Christ in every form of language
Confession: Daily of sins, shortcomings, need for help and repentance
Checking: always to see if I am within God's will
Course: staying the course God set for me, even if the going gets rough.
Content: wherever I am in any given point of time because I know God has me and is supplying my daily needs (bread)
Confident: in who I am, what I am, what I want and more specifically whose I am
Creator/creature: of only good habits. Practice makes
permanent. Goodness, love and
the gift of the spirit are thoughts that can become habits.
Choice: I choose my response, reaction and words to every situation carefully.
Carefully: I think before I speak. More importantly I pray.
Ceaselessly: I pray once on a topic, update if necessary, but I praise God without
ceasing, without thought for self.
Center: my whole life revolves around God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
What is the sum total of zero?
Nothing. When you look back over life and everything that you have done, in a sense, it is all meaningless. We toil and labor to what end? In the end, we all die. No one can escape that fact. So what is the sum total of your life? Nothing.
And in nothing, you have everything. Everything that you do is designed to occupy the space and time that you were born for. Do we have purpose? And if we do, what is it? And what if you don't accomplish it? What if you never find out what that is and you miss the mark.
Everything in this world starts at zero. From nothing you are created. Before there is a thought, there is a void, nothing. Empty matter. Then there is thought, thought which leads to action, action that energizes matter, and matter that moves the world. From nothing you were formed in your mother's womb. A thought from our creators mind. Hidden from prying fingers, destined to become who you are. You begin your life with nothing. Nothing. You own nothing, you have zero credit, you begin with a clean slate. From there you move into the positive or negative. Your circumstances are either negative or positive. You grow up and eventually regardless of what you were surrounded by, you return to a nothing state. A state of facing the world on your own terms. Zero. Nothing. Owing no man or woman anything.
What is the science of today? Zero mathematics. For nothing, man thinks you
owe him the world. For nothing, giving you nothing, they expect you to work for them, give your best to them, love, show up. And for what? Nothing. For nothing, God loves you, he gives you everything, he sacrificed his son for Nothing but his love for you. Today people believe in pimping and hoing. Pimping you for everything you have with nothing in return. Giving you the worst of themselves. And expecting you to be the best of yourself. Hoing you out for nothing.
We show up for work, and work for two weeks without being compensated. Two weeks we are paid nothing. So for nothing we are expected to give our everything. And be owed money and to still show up. Live out someone else's dream.
People place a zero value on your life. They don't value you. They see you as a number, a statistic, a minority, a thing. A cog in the machinery of what it takes to move their institution forward. Your needs and concerns not even coming into the picture.
Meaningless. Replaceable, Dispensable. Expendable. Able to be downsized in a moment without regards to how you will eat or pay your rent. Why? In the scheme of things, you mean nothing. You are a human resource.
Zero. A sacred number. Every number in the universe needs it. Without zero, you can not find out the placement of where you stand in the mathematically scheme of things. You need to know where zero is in order to know if you are positive or negative, up or down. Infinite or finite. Zero helps you find your way.
If you do not know what others think of you or what value they place upon your life, you will always be nothing, expendable. You will always feel insecure and unsure of where your life is going. Zero means movement. Movement from a place of uncertainty to facts. Dealing with the situation at hand and not running from it. If you know where you stand with yourself and others. What value you have with yourself and others. What you will and will not stand for, nothing can happen to you without your consent.
Zero gives you either finite or infinite possibilities. Either you believe you are nothing and place zero value on your life. Or you believe you are capable of everything because you don't value your life in the wrong way. You recognize that being at zero means that you owe no man or woman anything. That your efforts may not be rewarded sometimes, but you will do what you want because you want to accomplish it. You realize that we will all return to our grave with nothing. So you will create things and a life for your sake, one that reflects who you are and what you are about. You realize that you can spend your time doing nothing and still die or you can do everything and meet the same end. No one is exempt. The fun is getting to the end having run the race with a smile on your face and having met your destination with a race well run.
Always be at zero and recognize the infinite possibilities in the number. It can help you remain grounded and to be in this world but not of it. Don get caught up in the materialistic entrapment of the world but have a wonderful life built upon principles found in the Bible.
written by Lady Charmaine Day, Pastor and Christian Consultant, Unlimited Help Ministries, The above is an excerpt from Zero Mathematics: The Science of Today is available for puchase at and