1) Send unusual postcards.
2) Request testimonials from good clients.
3) Go on a local talk show.
4) Refer business to a client.
5) Test offers with small classified ads.
6) Put a “take a card” holder in a neighborhood business.
7) Give a guest lecture at a local school. Send a lottery ticket with a note: “If you want better odds, talk to us.”
9) Find a new online discussion group.
10) Have a contest for the best and worst of something related to your area.
11) Try to bring back an ex-client.
12) Give evening seminars in your offices.
13) Create a flier and pay kids to pass out copies of it.
14) Approach a competitor about mutual referrals.
15) Sponsor a talk by a visiting expert on a topic for your clients.
16) Call ten people you’ve been meaning to talk to.
17) Find a marketing mentor and meet with that person regularly.
18) Put a company logo or sign on your car.
19) Change your phone greeting to “How can I help you?”
20) Take a client to a ballgame.
EastLake Marketing Group creates marketing solutions online and offline. The end result is reaching your target audience and you gaining more customers. Contact me today.