The young sister is an inspiration for black sisters every where but the bald head black man castrates the black mans image and persona worldwide as he interviews the black woman from a 100% white corporate supervised perspective and controlled environment of deliberate and orchestrated castration.
The black mans image is weak and his persona defeated by the requirement that he must be completely shaved bald head so as not to compete in strength, imagery and persona with white males, white females or his own black woman.
The black sister's image and persona looks strong, healthy, viable and credible. The black man looks busted, broken, captured, imprisoned, enslaved, sold out and washed out.
Black man fight to retain a strong image. Resist letting white America showcase and parade you before the world as a enslaved baldhead to the shame and dishonor of your own black women and children.
Stop letting the world treat you like a baldhead.
Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
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