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Here is yet another "poor misunderstood it is not your fault black people article"

"African people in America to believe that the problem we face as a people is "us." We must remind ourselves, time and time again, that African people in America were captured from Africa and brought to America against our will."
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD,

Save it. He uses words like "Captured" but he did not say "captured in battle" he says "we were brought here against our will "but he did not say we "resisted"

We were not captured in battle and we put up no resistance, so whose fault was that?

The same, identical and exact white supremacist went after the native Indians, Japanese, Koreans, Germans, Chinese and they fought the entire Spanish Empire but those races fought back. They resisted. They chose death before dishonor. They chose to stand up against the will of white supremacy and today they have their respect and honor.

They don't need to cry, moan and groan while licking 400 years of wounds only to never heal in mind, body, spirit and soul.

Black people do however because that's the price you pay for generations to come when you don't fight back to protect yourself or your way of life.

Even after being brought here the white supremacist gave black people a choice of slavery or death. Black people chose slavery.

In the 21st century black people now have another chance to be free and this time their chose is read or die because the 21st century belongs to readers, writers and producers but blacks instead treat books like weapons of mass destruction and make a book the last place they look for freedom.

It is easier I suppose to wallow in 400 years of the past than live the life you have now and take your turn to be free.

HERE'S A CLUE Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, AND BLACK AMERICA resist and escape from your self imposed slave mindset to get with the 21st century.

Stop classifying your self as a decendent of slaves. Move away from the classification of African American. Stop naming your children after slave masters.

A black man from Africa by way of Chicago is now president and now is your turn to seize freedom.

It shall be a shame before God and a stench in the nose of your ancestors for African Americans to have a black president and yet continue to look to the white master for a job, freedom and for what you can acheive on your own.

You can reside right where you are and be free. You are a black African kidnapped,(not captured) from your homeland many centuries ago. You now have a chance to make it right.

Many African Americans from the south became very emotional when they spoke about how their ancestors such as Harriet Tubman would perceive this day. African Americans speak about how Obama's election has fulfilled Martin luthers kings dream.

I am most certain that the very same and identical ancestor you cry in remembrance of would want you to be free if you had the opportunity of chance.

In remembering Harriet Tubman least you not forget that when given the opportunity to be free Harriets husband refused to be free out of fear. Take this opportunity to be free and don't be afraid of your own life.

Harriet Tubman escaped to freedom through bullets, blood hounds, insects, depravation assaults, murder and persecution.. She may have not lived to see Obama as president but she chose death before dishonor and she died with dignity and honor.

Harriet Tubman is remembered to this day with respect. How will you be remembered?

Unlike Harriet Tubman you don't have to flee the state you reside in, dodge bullets, slave catchers or crawl along ditches to be free. To be free today all you need to do is pick up a book and read it because the escape route is in the book. You can read yourself free.

You have the chance to be free by reading Undercover Smart. Join the African revolution of evolution. Join the home team. Get behind Obama because that's where the 21st century is.

Black America exercise your black mind by escaping through reading to actually know freedom in real time.

The plan, strategy and escape route to freedom can be found word for word in a book titled, Undercover Smart.

If you truly and sincerely want to be free don't let a book be the last place you look for the escape plan and route to freedom.

What honor do African Americans bestow upon the struggles of their ancestors when in the year 2011 you have a chance to be free but decline to accomplish it if being free means having to read a book.

If you can't read have someone read to you. If you don't like to read, make an exception for your freedom.

When you compare Harriet Tubman being chased down by gun carrying negro hating slave catchers with fear sniffing negro-catching blood hounds to you simply having to read a book to be free and yet you remain a slave during the most exciting time in history to be alive what does that say about you, your courage and commitment to be free?

having a black sitting president in the 21st century symbolize  "The rebirth of freedom."
This is your chance to be free. Get on the front line of your blessings.

Read Undercover Smart because the escape route to freedom and a better life for you and yours is in the book.

I was born in the north so the taste of the master's whip of oppression upon my freedom is something I have never known but I do know the beauty, glory and struggle of African Americans.

I know that you deserve to be free. I know that great is he that pops the whip but greatest is he that takes the beating.

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55