24 May Using Calls to Catch a Trophy White Tail Deer

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Interested in Illinois Deer Hunting, Learn about deer calls here.

Deer calls are very numerous these days and there are several different types. If the goal is to harvest a large buck, then the choices narrow down. Understanding how deer talk to each other is essential as well. The idea is to try and pick out calls that would attract a big buck.

Deer talk to each other in different ways. Fawns bleat when they need mom in close proximity or if they become lost. Bucks and does grunt to assert authority. Bucks also grunt when chasing a doe. Bucks make a strange grunt snort when ready to fight. An alarm snort from both bucks or does signals all deer within ear shot to be ready to retreat. Any of the grunt or bleat calls can lure in a big buck. However, a hunter that can convince a buck that a rival male or a doe ready to mate is in the area has a huge advantage.

In order to convince that buck a rival male is nearby, use a low pitched grunt call. This call used softly or with low volume signals that a dominant buck is near which will make the real dominant buck angry. Another way to absolutely enrage a big buck is to use this grunt to mimic a dominant buck chasing a doe. If this call is detected by a trophy buck the hunter could get a very exciting surprise. Trophy Whitetail Bucks

Fawn bleats surprisingly may attract big bucks for two reasons. A buck may investigate a fawn bleat out of curiosity. However, if romance is in the air, where there is a fawn there is probably a doe. Although fawns that are with mom during the next rutting season may or may not still have spots, they tend to hang around her for a year or more. Yearling fawns have even been seen still trying to nurse mom. For this reason, fawn bleats to a big buck could mean a doe nearby ready to mate.

This is just a quick overview of calls that tend to attract big bucks. Others will as well but the fawn bleat and the low pitched grunt call are popular ones. If used correctly these calls will easily lure in a curious, angry or lovestruck trophy buck. Research the exact sounds and frequency used by deer in various situations to pick the right call. Trophy Whitetail Bucks

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Illinois Deer Hunting Laws should be studied by all deer hunters

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55