18 Dec Do we lose who we are while trying to make a living?

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Have you spent most or all of your adult life working for someone else?  I did and I can say most of the jobs I had were unfulfilling and at times stressful while trying to maintain a paycheck to stay alive.  But the whole time I was working for Corporate America, I knew I could never be satisfied in the positions I was in.

 While strolling through my Facebook page, I see many of my FBFs complaining about having to go to work, complaining about co-workers, wanting their boss to leave them alone, and waiting for the weekend to get here.  This shows that many people simply settle for where they are.  I would love for people to realize they don't have to be in an unsatisfying position. 

 I know the state of the economy has people afraid to try new things, but I think this may be the right time to explore possibilities.  Right now people are starting to realize their jobs are not as secure as they thought.  I am a victim of this unfair economy.  I lost my job when the company I worked for decided to send our department to another country.  But I didn't let this get me down.  I used this time to map out a plan and put it in action to pursue my passions that have sat there for years.  Basically, I was at the ledge and I jumped.

Of course I'm not saying to up and quit your job, but it is possible to use time after work to discover your passion and go with it.  This may require returning to school, preparing yourself to apply for a different position, researching business opportunities, or maybe writing out a plan for the ideas that have been rolling around in your head for years.  Life is meant to be enjoyed.  It took a few years for me to realize this, but I truly believe in this now.  Losing my job left me financially strapped, but I turned up my faith and God always came through for me.  Why stress when you don't have to.

 We are given gifts for a reason.  When something is tugging inside of us, pay attention to it.  It could very well be your spirit saying, "Hey, it's time to do something that makes us happy."

Peace and Blessings



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55