Is it me or does this happen to you also? Regardless of my mood at any given moment, when I think of the word enthusiasm, my mood automatically seems to start ratcheting upward as if it were suddenly given permission to exist on its own. I guess it is a rare occurrence for most of us because there is usually such a dour expression on the faces of most people you come in contact with. When doing business from home though and not always having the opportunity to interact with others, do you think enthusiasm plays a role in how you do stuff for your business? You better believe it does and while this is just my opinion, hear me out. I believe that most people basically adhere to everyday societal Norms and Standards when it comes to behavior. Over time, we have learned to identify our niche or box, in life and we work very hard to learn how to maintain it just so. We give it value and we possess it with a vengeance and heaven help anyone who would dare challenge our niche. The difficulty with the foregoing is there is a general acceptance that this is the way it is and will be. We tend to withdraw to our niches and we usually close the gate behind us. Most of our activity is then spent in an activity known as Gate Keeping. We can be successful Gatekeepers because usually the only people who visit at our niche are like minded individuals who believe as you do and offer no threat. The only reason they visit is to see if you have a newer means of security they don't know about. Then one Saturday morning as you are about your usual task of tidying up your niche, you become aware of a disturbance nearby and being a responsible person, you take it upon yourself to investigate the source of this disturbance. Your Life is about to be forever changed because you have stepped out of the confines of your niche and you are about to come face to face with enthusiasm. As you approach a clearing among the niches, you notice all of your neighbors are already there and their attention is focused on the man standing on a soapbox and addressing them. The first thing you notice is that he is talking different. His voice is strong, clear and he is gesturing with his hands and jabbing the air like a prizefighter. You also notice that your neighbors, the crowd, is caught up on this strangers every word. You move even closer now, so you can hear what is being said. As you get within hearing, you notice that something is starting to strike your body and while not physical, it is causing your body to respond to every utterance that issues forth from the mouth of this stranger. What the hell is going on you ask, but there is no one to answer. Everyone is caught up by the stranger. As you begin to make out what the stranger is saying, you hear words like link tracker, autoresponder, lead capture page, free trials, Internet Marketing, tools, 30 days and all kinds of other strange, unfamiliar terms. You want to get back to your niche, but you are like riveted in place by the strangers words and the strange feeling that has come over you. It is a good feeling and all your niche neighbors seem to be feeling it too. You have come to the conclusion that it is something that the stranger is doing that is causing it. Well before you know it, the stranger is walking among you and your neighbors and he is collecting names and addresses of your fellow niche owners who want to sign up for more free information and even possibly buy something called a personal computer so as to be able to effectively do business on the Internet; and there you are waiting to give your information to this stranger. When the stranger gets to you, you shout above the roar of the crowd to ask the stranger what is his name and he hands you a card that reads: “Hello, May name is Enthusiasm and next to your good name, I am the most important asset you can have to protect and advance your niche”. Well now, what is this? It is a story to get you to realize that when you are doing business from home, you must shed the norms of depression and sorrow to reflect to yourself and those you come in contact with, that doing business with you has benefits and rewards they have yet to experience. Always remember if you are doing business from home be enthusiastic in your sharing with others. Your enthusiasm will get your message; past gatekeepers, over walls, across oceans and to mountain tops. Enthusiasm in your business is: infectious, impervious, contagious and most of all, will send you to the bank.
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