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What separates me from other voices is that I write in specificity and I talk in real time. In real-time the reader is the source that verifies the truth. The reader he or she is living in the moment of the happening.

Below is a reply I received from a blog written March 29, 2010 at 1:32pm, Chicago time. The blog is titled GET ME UNDERCOVER BROTHER!

The following reply is written by the President/Founder of the MIGHTY MEN NETWORK http://mightypeople.ning.com/profiles/blogs/get-me-undercover-brother


Thanx for posting ... always appreciating your participation. BUT, it's so hard to be Black! We can't just be Black, we gotta be black with this view or that view. From this side of town or that. This age or that age. This shade or that shade.

Those brothers are BLACK and they are doers!

Imagine all we could accomplish if everyone stood up and did what the brothers that Bro Enoch is knocking! Come on! We need to come together though all our differences. So what if they are jockeying for position. They are jockeying for position in doing something positive for our people. If we loose faith in those type of brothers what do we have have? Where do we go? What's the plan.

Many of us will Knock U Bro Enoch. But I will tell them ok, that's ok, but let's work together. The Brother is trying to get things done. Let's join him, regardless of differences. We'll work through them.

At least those brothers are a well known direction we could think of and point to when we need someone to look to, when we need some light. Some where to start.

Rather than Knock them Enoch... let's add to what they are doing by doing our own thing or bring people together around some central theme or plan. Let's do like they do... DO SOMETHING!

That's like when Malcolm was knocking King... he later realized that wasn't the way to go. THAT is when he was so dangerous that they had to KILL him!!! POSITIVITY Bro! That's what we need.

Thanx for sharing your view though, and ruffling some feathers. Now let's see if we could get some more birds in here!
TED HARGE http://mightypeople.ning.com/profiles/blogs/get-me-undercover-brother

I am almost 60 years old. Why would anyone that age be trying to work together with a 30 year old?
The sun is setting on voices of the Enoch Mubarak's, The Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharpton's and Louis Farakkans of the world.

We took our turn for black America, we had our say to white America, we wrote our books for you to read, we defended our cause and we leave this mortal plane not fearing death but as honorable men that can proudly proclaim that no one black American that depended upon the names of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farakkan or Enoch Mubarak ever went cold, hunger, homeless, ignored or undefended.

In Jesse Jackson's moment he told black America "you are somebody". Al Sharpton took it from the mean, hard streets of Brooklyn to the National Democratic Convention and had his say in our behalf to White America.

Louis Farakkan called on one million black men to assembly and they came. Enoch Mubarak wrote the plans and blueprints in a book titled Undercover Smart that recons the 21st century landscape for black Americans after the civil right era ended and the era of intellectual rights began.

We took our turn and now it is your turn because after our voices are silenced the voices you will hear in abundance next will belong to the Tavis Smiley's and Cornel West's of the world and black America has heard and has dialed in to what they have to say; http://blackauthors.ning.com/profiles/blogs/cornel-west-and-tavis-s...

After they have had their say It will be the time of the young strong voices and hard bodies of brothers like Ted Harge. It is the voices of Ted Harge and those like his that will take your children and my grandchildren beyond the boundaries of the 21st century. and if his reply to me is any indication or glimpse into the future for your children and my grandchildren then our children are dead..dead...dead.

Visit Ted Harges profile at: http://mightypeople.ning.com/profile/tedharge and you will immediately have a vision of the distance in age and time between 60 plus year old men and 30 year old or younger, hard-body, able-bodied black men

For extreme clarity place Tavis Smiley and Cornel West between the 60 year olds and the 30 year olds and you can clearly envision and understand that black men of Ted Harges age and younger are 3 levels deep from the chain of command and from the front-line voices that are being heard today.

When I tell you that young strong hard bodies like Ted Harge and others like him in age have no business giving us history lessons. We took our turn in the era of civil rights but we can't retire in the 21st century era of intellectual rights because Ted Harge and others like him in age won't take their turn so that the Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharpton, Louis Farakkans and Enoch Mubarak's of the world can retire our voices.

We can't retire our voices because we are out here doing their job and speaking up for young black men that are 3 levels deep.

What we need is for young hard body black men to take your turn. Do your job. Handle your civic business and duties. Stop lecturing the original warriors on Martin luther king and Malcolm X.

Handle your business and secure a foundation and place for your children and my grandchildren in 21st century black America. Leave Martin Luther King and Malcolm X to us. The civil rights era is done. Martin Luther king is dead; Malcolm X is dead and The Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharpton, Louis Farakkans and Enoch Mubarak's are soon to follow.

Instead of lecturing us old soldiers look at the conditions on the ground being left by those in front of "you" by the Tavis Smiley and Cornel West's of your generation.

The Tavis Smiley's and Cornel West's are the bridges connecting the civil rights era to the 21st century era of the Obama Nation.

What chance does your children and my grandchildren have when young hard able bodied black men reply with crying and moaning... what do we have? Where do we go? What's the plan?

What chance does your children and my grandchildren have when young hard able bodied young black men fear death. "he was so dangerous that they had to KILL him!!!

What chance does your children and my grandchildren have when young hard able bodied black men rely on the ground work being laid down by The Tavis Smiley's and Cornel West's of the world? At least those brothers are a well known direction we could think of and point to when we need someone to look to, when we need some light.

What chance does your children and my grandchildren have when after we have bleed and died in the struggle that they would write that Tavis Smiley and Cornel West is "Some where to start."

My design is not to overthrow, undermine or cause trouble. I want your attention. I write the way I write for a cause and not because. Our generation of Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharptons, Louis Farrakhans and Enoch Mubarak's have a biblical mission to accomplish.

If the watchman sees the enemy coming and does not sound the alarm, I will hold the watchman responsible for their deaths Ezekiel 33:6

My motive is not to join African American forums for the sole purpose of talking, agreeing and disagreeing. I am looking for the owners of the 21st century and African American forums is where you will find them.

The 21st century belongs to readers, writers and producers and, I want their attention.

I am over a half a century old and everyday I watch my life ebbing with every sunset. I feel my mortality with each passing day. I have grand-babies coming up behind me in a world that can be much better, more promising and more secure if it not for the current neglect, irresponsibility, hedonistic mannerism and lifestyle of today's black readers, writers and producers.

We have great African American minds available to solve our dilemma but these great African American minds are killing the future for my grandchildren by feeding out the same feed bucket of subject matters and by not accepting their responsibility as African American readers, writers and producers to secure the 21st century for the least of us.

My original thoughts only read hostile and aggressive because there are no surrounding original thoughts to compliment or accompany mine. A lot of the causes bloggers and activist are pursuing at this moment is directly related to the absence of fresh ideas and original thinking.

How is it possible that our like black kinds can gather in this type of forum to discuss African American issues but nothing ever changes for African Americans and only get worse day after day ?

No love is greater than for one friend to lay down his life for another and in this case if it takes my last breath I will use it writing trying to get your attention to save the future for my grandchildren and to tell others that there's no reason your children can't live a better life.

The 21st century belongs to readers, writers and producers. We have the power, numbers and the intelligence to think our way to a better life for a secure existence for the children we leave behind.

Original discussion: http://blackauthors.ning.com/forum/topics/837758:Topic:46583

If Obama does not win there will surely be backlash by white America upon the existence of the remaining African Americans including making life harder and more difficult for your children? We need a strategy to prepare and insulate ourselves from what surely will come.

There is no one but us available to insure our survival, existence or well-being. We are the solution to reach a solution but only through original dialog can we find a fresh approach

The solution is to collect our intelligence for the betterment of our survival.

If we the readers, writers and producers don't accept responsibility to spur and generate new thoughts and ideas on behalf of the least of us and yet we represent the best and the brightest that African Americans have to offer, then who will ?

I want their attention because I want to tell you that fresh ideas and original solutions come from fresh and original discussions.

Sincerely, Enoch mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55