Start an Adopt A Cemetery Plot Program in your city or town, there is the chance you may locate headstones of long ago family members, the information will be invaluable for starting a family history tree. Not to mention the innovative concept in cemetery restoration, beautification, and preservation. Your city will be ever grateful in these times of low budgets. I think it'll give you some good civic pride also.
The idea can also be used as school projects, company projects. With the right kind of intentions and imagination, a picnic while doing these volenteer projects could produce a town's history and unimaginable fun.
It offers individuals, groups, organizations, societies and companies the opportunity to play a vital role in saving and preserving a towns historic landmarks
I think I'll give it a shot soon, I like the idea so much. I'm sure it will produce some dates I'm not sure when persons past. Am I afraid? (smile). I'm interested in seeing which of my family members I can depend on helping?
When visiting your home, if you're from another State will certainly produce some information you will wqant to include in a family records website. Research your particular pioneer family's history which, in itself, can be a truly rewarding experience.
you also help to preserve history. So you see, you can play a vital and important role in beautifying any City, and I think have fun while doing it, after all isn't that what life is all about.
I also think it may well make some of you famous? Why I don't know, I just feel there is something very rewarding about "Cemetery Janitor" I bet you'll be on the 6:oclock NEWS in 6 month's!