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10/8/2009 4:45:01 AM
Am I wrong for this....
Lately I have experienced so much racism it's sick. When I was in the 7th grade, a teacher called me a "stupid nigger". Yes I was being a little disruptive with my friends but come on, I was like...12 years old.

Because of this and recent events, I am developing a STRONG dislike for white people, the women especially. They act like there is a war between them and us over black men, and they think they are winning.

The truth is 90% of married black men, have black wives, so that's not an issue for me. The issue is that they think they are better than us because some black men (usually the ones we don't want anyway.lol) choose to be with a white woman.
It's obvious they want to look like us, hence the tanning, butt, and lip injections etc. I tried to keep the mentality that "all white people aren't the same" but as soon as you try to trust one, they lose their minds and get all-disrespectful.

They seem to be rude, evil, spiteful, sneaky and mean. I know God doesn't want me to feel this way....I should love all people no matter what right? That's very difficult and I have tried.
I'm sure Enoch will chime in, and right now I really do need to hear what he has to say.
Signed,Young, Angry, Black Woman

10/8/2009 3:52:19 PM

Dear Young, Angry, Black Woman and all others
You are wrong to dislike the white woman especially because the white woman is a victim of media pressure, male persuasion and male dominance just like you are.

The white woman is the woman that puts it in the white man's head that black women should be respected, protected by laws and liberated from the black man.

It is the white man's true nature to be rude, evil, spiteful, sneaky and mean, not the white woman's true nature. The white woman is merely guilty by association to the white men.

The women in any race are held to the standard of the men and as such if your man isn't feces then they will treat you like you are not feces because they have disdain for your leadership and therefore the global community talks and treats the black women any type of way they choose because they know your black man is not going to do feces about it.

When white America calls a black woman a "stupid nigger," it is out of frustration stemming from what the white woman perceive to be your ingratitude.

White America's reasoning and rationale is entrenched in the belief that for all they have done to separate you from the black man you yet stay with him.

The white woman's frustration towards black women is no different than your frustration when calling your best girlfriend a "stupid nigger" for staying with a man that repeatedly and savagely beats her after all you have done to give her a way out.

White America's term "stupid nigger" is in regards to any black woman deemed not smart enough to leave her abuser.

The bond between the black woman and black man is unfathomable to white America and it truly frustrates white women; therefore, the next best logical strategy is for white women to infiltrate black women.

The reason and logic being: if you can't beat them you join them. White women looking like black women will draw the black man's attention away from you... hence the tanning, butt, and lip injections etc.

I tried to keep the mentality that "all white people aren't the same" but as soon as you try to trust one, they lose their minds and get all disrespectful. They seem to be rude, evil, spiteful, sneaky and mean.
Signed, Young, Angry, Black Woman

Yes, you are wrong because "all white people are the same" you just need to understand them.

The study of psychology is the study of behavior due to no fault of your own.
Once you understand that a person or group of people's behavior is due to no fault of their own then you understand what they are capable of and once you understand what they are capable of you no longer allow your dislike and distaste for them to formulate and take root.

You duly note their particular or peculiar behavior and resolve to conclude that they got it honestly. You now know what to expect from any given person at any given time and you prepare for it but you don't take it personal because you know that's just the way they are.

In the 9 to 5 world of white America what you see is referred to as the white American unified public front and what you experience when white America let loose after 5 is called their true nature.

Every race has a unified public front but their true nature is always present within.

If you ever want to truly and sincerely know what a white person thinks about you then visit them in their natural habitant while or after they have been drinking and they will tell you and they will show you.

What white America did to blacks during slavery was not for punishment and discipline. It was for the sheer purpose of control, sexual pressure and sadistic cruelty because it is the white man's nature to be sadistic.

In-as-much as the memories of 400 years of abuse pains us, you can't hate a person or race for being true to their nature no more than you want to be rejected for being true to your nature.

What white America did to blacks during slavery is the same and exact thing they did to the Iraqis in Iran.

Knowing how serious the Muslims take their culture, faith and religion and knowing that the Arabs would declare jihad against white America for their sadistic humiliation and inhumane torture inflicted upon their brothers and for their flagrant and gross disrespect towards the Koran, white American's did it anyway because no matter what the consequences are you must be true to your nature.

Not even the white woman can escape the white man's true sadistic nature of brutality and sadistic behavior...........

For example
Go to any porn site and eyewitness how brutal white men are when having sex with any woman. The more white men that are involved in the sex scene the more brutal the sex becomes.

For sheer amusement, sexual pleasure and an insatiable sadistic craving nature they brutalize the female and whether the woman is White, Black, Latino or Asian, they slap her, choke her, toss her around, degrade her, humiliate her and penetrate her with vile unrelenting brutal force because that is their nature.

Whether it is domestic slavery, global intervention or personal pleasure. It is nothing personal. That's just the way white men are.

White women act like there is a war between them and us over black men, and they think they are winning.
Signed, Young, Angry, Black Woman

The black woman's main complaint is that the black man lacks the education and funds to properly provide for her.
The saying among black women is that a black man will offer you a drink before he offers you something to eat because it is a black man's rationale that candy is dandy but liquor is quicker and if she will drink she will fornicate.

A black woman will tell anyone that listens that she can get a black hard penis when she can't find anything else. The white women are listening and they don't see it as a war but rather as a trade off.

The white woman's rationale to the black woman's complaining is let's trade.

White woman deduce that if black women want the money and constantly complain that the black man has none and for all the sexual abuse white women put up with from white men only to be left sexually unsatisfied by the white man's collective small penises, it surely makes the black man a prime candidate, target and sexual partner for the white woman.

The white woman feels that black women feel that they are being financially unappreciated and abused by black men whereas many white women have access to money and do not worry about the black man being abusive towards them because white women know that her white man would love any opportunity to castrate and imprison the black man for having sex with his white woman.

When white women are done sexing around with the black man they set him up and turn him over to the white man anyway.

The game play between black women and white women is a game of spy vs. spy. In many ways the game play between the white women and black women is the same and exact game that currently goes on between young black men and black women.

For instance:
A single black man picks up his girlfriend for a Saturday night date. He opens up the car door and lets her in. He walks around to the other side of the vehicle and he gets in. He smiles at her and she smiles back at him.

He is thinking, how can I get her to have sex with me without giving her any money and she is smiling back at him thinking, how can I get his money without having any sex with him.

I know God doesn't want me to feel this way....I should love all people no matter what right? That's very difficult and I have tried.
Signed, Young, Angry, Black Woman

It is not difficult now that you understand it has nothing to do with you personally. Whenever a white person calls a black woman a "stupid nigger" it is smoke from another fire.

The inhabitants of Planet Earth in the 21st century hold the African American man responsible for the immoral and desperate economic and living conditions African American women find themselves in.

It is because the black woman will not abandon the black man, that white America turns around and calls the black woman a "stupid nigger."

Rarely if ever will you hear white America refer to the Spanish people as stupid Spaniards or the Germans as stupid krauts, stupid Jew, stupid Arab, or stupid China man and white America never refers to the black African people as "stupid Africans."... but other nations and nationalities call white people the "stupid Americans."

Other nations and nationalities call white America "stupid Americans" for associating with the "ignorant niggers."

It is the immense pressure from global perception and the global communities as to why white America has stopped doing business with African American men.

Conquer the men and seize the "Booty"
The black woman is the treasure, pride and joy of the African American man and therefore, white America's last official act before deciding to bury the African American man alive is to liberate his black woman.

The term to describe treasure in white America is called "Booty."

The African American man only refers to the anatomy of the black woman's behind as "booty," but when white America uses the term "Booty" they are referring to the total woman as being the treasure.

It is white America's perception at the bequest of white women that African American men physically abuse and don't appreciate nor value their treasure and that's why white America will stop at nothing to liberate the black woman from the black man.

The global community sees the Africans in Africa not as lazy good for nothing-stupid niggers but as viable and valuable black people that have fallen victim to government corruption and global greed.

They want to help the African women and children but first they must get rid of the black man and therefore you have the cleansing of the black man in the Sudan.

In the Darfur region when the exterminators show up for the black man he sends his women and daughters out to face them because he fears for his own life.

The black man cowardly knows that they will kill him but will only rape, maim and torture his wife and child and that's the real and true reason why the world will not intervene to stop the killing of the black man.

The 21st century has no respect for black men that would cowardly send out their treasures of women and children to face the enemy.

In the USA white America has the same and identical disdain for the African American man and feel that the black woman would be better off without him. White America believes that they are doing something just and noble by liberating the African American woman from the African American man.

White Americas greatest weapon to achieve their mission of liberation is the media.

Television, radio and the Internet encourages the nature of white Americans to be followers in this quest and therefore sight unseen if one white person points you a African American male to another white person and say that you are a cowardly, woman beating ignorant nigger then every African American man becomes a coward, woman beating, ignorant nigger by the mere suggestion and perception via mass media.

Everything white America has acquired they kicked somebody's ass and took it.

White America fought with the Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Argentineans, Iranians, the Spanish Empire and they are now in Afghanistan.

In order to get respect from white America you have to kick ass and the black woman is perceived by white America as a strong black woman that will kick your ass but white America also feels that her potential and progress is being stagnated by the black man's worldwide refusal to take responsibility for his woman, child and self.

Using the same and exact strategy and rationale employed in the Sudan white America feels it is their responsibility to liberate the African American woman, whether she likes it or not.... but after all is said and done the black woman stays with the African American man and steadfastedly she remains committed to resist.

Out of frustration white women that spearheaded the movement call the African American woman a "stupid nigger" for not leaving.

When the African American woman stands against world opinion, massive global and media pressure to resist abandoning the African American man it hurts her to the core of her heart, soul and existence to have the African American man in turn slap her around beat her up and call her a "stupid nigger bitch."

The African American men further add insult to injury by putting it to music.

Dear Young, Angry, Black Woman
Harden not your heart against white America just simply know that it is well within their nature and behavior to be the way they are. Stay alert and constantly be ready for it.

Black men listen to Enoch Mubarak. Read UNDERCOVER SMART and stop letting white America disrespect your black queen simply because they have no respect for you.

Read UNDERCOVER SMART and prove to the black woman that she is doing the right thing to continuely resist the intense and immense world, global and media pressure in order to stand by her man.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55