18 May New eBook Release: The Black Folks Guide to making Big Money on the Internet

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News Release: "The Black Folks Guide"

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The highly acclaimed and recently released eBook, "The Black Folks Guide to Making Big Money on the Internet is being hailed as an extraordinary work of economic empowerment for Black people worldwide. The eBook was written by Mr. Lee Green the chairman of the National Black Business Trade Association (NBBTA) and founder of The Black Business Builders Club

When asked the purpose of the book Mr. Green states,

 "Believe it or not, a good percentage of the people attempting to do business on the internet haven't ever had any real financial success.

Some are faking it until they make it. Some are following the patterns of behavior that they see others online do, without regards for knowing their results.

Some are having marginal success, staying just ahead of putting more money out than they have coming in, and others don't have a clue as to what would work for their businesses at all and they continue to jump from one program to the next.

This is in spite of the fact that there exists the potential to make as much money online as one would want ... not making big money continues to be a problem for the majority of people who never take the time to learn how.

I completely understand why these things continue to perpetuate. Yet I also know, from personal experience that they don't have to. I want people to truly "get" how critical marketing is to the success of any online OR offline business. I want people to be able to take the knowledge I've accumulated and apply it to their own businesses, and snowball their $2,000 - $3,000 incomes into $40,000... $75,000...  $100,000 + per year and that's why there's a need for this eBook - an advanced guide to internet marketing that blows these false assumptions out of the water while making the latest marketing strategies all accessible to the average business owner".

The "Black Folks Guide to Making Big Money on the Internet" is used daily by The Black Business Builders Club members to help them get a handle on internet marketing and they hail it to be an education resource for success.

Additional information on the eBook is available at http://www.blackfolksmoneyguide.com/
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55