To the special person reading this e-mail:
Hello. There comes a time when you realize you are a grown behind person responsible for every decision that you make. You are not a child. So making decisions without thinking out their consequences, childlike behavior, is not a good look on a grown folk. This realization hit me like a ton of bricks this year when I turned 38. Right along with the realization that the promises that God had made in his word for my life are my personal guarantee &yours. Its not like those promises are not going to happen. In fact, the opposite is true, they will. And once you accept your part in the scheme of things, the quicker the promises of God will manifest in your life. Those promises can be found in Deuteronomy 28:1-13. Peace, love, prosperity, legacy, happiness, joy, blessings coming&going, the head in any situation, respect of the world, and so much more, is our lot in life. So lets get about living life on purpose. As a grown up person who can&is ready to accept the positive&to let go of the negative so that we can have a wonderful life. No more backsliding. No more putting off until tomorrow what needs to get done today. Wake up and handle your business. If something or someone isnt working out, take the necessary steps to eliminate the drama in your life. PEACE OF MIND IS PRICELESS. At all costs, move to peace, joy&happiness. And lastly, accept that right now, you are responsible for yourself&all who are dependent on you. Take time out to love&like yourself, have personal time with God, Jesus&the holy spirit, eat right&exercise. The basics. Have the basics down, then add on top of that because you are starting on a solid foundation.Life is happening right now,it is god's gift to us&our birthright is to enjoy it. But lets do it fully present, as a mature adult who has a good relationship with God&perspective on life (knowing you are blessed &highly favored).
Until next week, stay special!
: )
Lady Charmaine Day
Pastor & Christian Consultant
Unlimited Help Ministries