09 Mar Lady Day's Weekly Spiritual Consultation

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To the special person reading this e-mail:
Hello.  Don't forget that you are made in God's image. And that what you think & the desires of your heart will come to pass if  you have faith, pray, ask Jesus for it & take action. Feb. 27,2008, my birthday, I asked God to grant me a booksigning at B&N. That day I pretended like I was actually doing a signing, my mother took pictures of me &I prayed & believed it would come to pass before my next birthday. 8 weeks before my 37th year was over I got the call from b&n for a signing. The original date given to me was February 27, 2008 for it to occur! When she told me I fainted! I knew that only god had given this to me.  I praised god for his mercy, grace and favor on my life and for giving me this blessing so that I could share the principle with you. If you believe in your heart that what you pray for will come to pass, it will. If you believe god at his word and that he will never fail you, he wont. Regardless of what you see, hear or other people, dont stop believing until what you want materializes. When I applied at B&N 2/27/08 I wasnt a B&N author. It was mission impossible for me to get there without first proving I would be a big draw. but I didnt let no stop me or the fact that I hadnt made it yet, from desiring it to exist. It took 12 months for everything to line up. Each day, I looked at those pictures I took and said in the name of jesus this will happen. And it did. And let me tell you, god will not give you something he cant sustain. Not only did he give me the booksigning but he made me successful. I did a good enough job that they included me in the B&N hall of fame, to god be the glory.
Whatever you are hoping for, whatever you are waiting on, it will come. And when it comes, it will be undeniable that God's favor is on your life, that he made a way out of no way for it to happen. Continue to be encourage and know that God loves you and will bless you.
Until next week.
Stay blessed!
: )
Lady Charmaine Day

Pastor & Christian Consultant

Unlimited Help Ministries

"Helping individuals transform their mind, body and spirit utilizing the principles of Jesus Christ"


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55
Lady Charmaine Day

Lady Charmaine Day grew up in Roosevelt (Long Island), New York. She was an A student throughout her school tenure. She was her senior class president, homecoming queen, yearbook editor and public school announcer. She graduated #3 in her class. Lady Day obtained her bachelors of science degree in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University. While attending Cornell, she was a Cornell Tradition Fellow and inducted into the prestigious Quill and Dagger Senior Honor Society. Lady Charmaine obtained her master’s degree in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University. She served as a student senator while at Columbia, had an A average and was inducted into the prestigious Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Delta Kappa Honor Societies.

Lady Day is a seasoned business woman with over twenty years executive human resources and business consulting experience. During her tenure in corporate America, Lady Charmaine Day worked for Fortune 50 companies including Phillip Morris, FMC, Ingersoll-Rand, Nabisco, Porter Novelli, and Ketchum/Stromberg Consulting Division. She has worked for non-profit organizations including Lighthouse International, North General Hospital, New York Hospital and The Children's Television Workshop (Sesame Street).

Lady Charmaine Day is a pastor who is a leader cherished for her commitment to her community. Always funny and candid about herself and the world she helps to shape, in 2008 Lady Charmaine Day created an on-line ministry called Unlimited Help On-Line Ministry done through Lady Charmaine Day's website, app, and Taboo Talk internet radio show

Lady Charmaine Day also is an author and publisher of eight books: a Christian wisdom book called “Zero Mathematics: The Science of Today”, her autobiography entitled “Size 7 ½: Walk A Mile In My Shoes," her memoir called “One Step From Insanity: Actual Words From the Psych Ward," a book of wisdom called "Trinkette's Wisdom For Every Day Living", a book of self-help and sequel to her autobiography called "H.E.E.D. S.I.M.P.L.E." and co-authored with Brooklyn Mike aka Mike Troy, a book of Christian comedy/philosophy called "MINDF.U.C.C.," a self-help book called "Lady Day's Pearls Of Wisdom" and her latest book a business/self-help book called Cyber Hustle. In recognition of her book sales, March 2009, she was inducted into Barnes and Noble Hall of Fame.

Lady Charmaine is the host of “Taboo Talk” which she created and has been producing since May 2008. Taboo Talk is a live internet radio show on www.blogtalkradio.com/taboo-talk and Itunes.
From 2008-2010 Taboo Talk was a cable Television show that aired on Time Warner MNN in Manhattan and on BronxNet in the Bronx.

Lady Day has started her own line of clothing called G.I.R.S.H. (an alien nation with their pets). She also is a singer, writer and composer of music. In 2008 she released her first cd single called “The L.C.D. (the lowest common denominator).

January 15, 2009, she told the testimony of her life on Broadway at Terri William’s Open Book on Broadway to rave reviews. December 16, 2009, Lady Charmaine Day appeared on the Dr. Oz show that featured a panel of seven women who overcame their symptoms of depression. She was assigned to discuss weight gain as a warning sign of depression. In acknowledgment of Lady Day’s accomplishments, Cambridge’s selected her to be a 2008-2009 Who’s Who Among Executives and Entrepreneurs.

Lady Charmaine Day has been a mental health advocate since 1997. Since 2008, she has volunteered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness as a presenter and state wide trainer for their In Our Own Voice Program (NAMI IOOV). May 2011,in recognition of her significant contribution to their In Our Own Voice program, Lady Charmaine Day was inducted into the NAMI Hall of Fame. November 2015, Lady Charmaine Day was honored to receive the NAMI NYS 2015 Media Award for her outreach work regarding mental health.

Lady Charmaine Day is the consummate pastor who enjoys interacting with her audiences, therefore whenever she is providing a consultation or is in front of an audience you will be guaranteed that transformation will occur!

Website: www.ladycharmaineday.com