29 Jan Let the Truth be Found by they whom seek it truthfully

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Hey there seem to be a new trend in background checks.  Since the introduction of on-line databases, companies and individuals think they can just put in a name of a person, and bam! they got the information they want.  This is dangerous to everybody,  just today got a call from a company that didn't want to hire someone because of a criminal record, when I checked it out at the courthouse (which by the way is the only reliable resource) the individual was a witness in a case, giving the district attorney vital information to make his case, yet because of a database error, it was shown he was the actual criminal.  So this person had the possibility of not getting hired because of a mix-up.  I am now also helping individuals to view their records before they seek employment.  In this economy nothing can be left to chance when looking for a job. 
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55