God is the same. He didnt change. None of us got a memo from Jesus or God saying that they lost their power or can't answer your prayers. So since you didn't get that memo and neither did I we can still have faith. Faith that regardless of what is going on with the world and what it values, we will be alright.
Bad news is not new. Plagues, faminine, the demise of systems and nations have been going on for centuries, yet one thing has remained the same, if God is for you, who can be against you? No one. If God is for you, who can block your blessing? No one. If God gives you his favor, who can take it away from you? No one.
The name JESUS still has all power and might in it. So have faith in Jesus. Not in yourself or the world because both can and have let you down, but Jesus has never left you nor forsaken you.
I am content and happy. Not shaken or stirred by the sign of the times. I took stock out of the world economy a long time ago and sought after the real treasure and peace that never fails, God's. I urge you to do the same.
Faith is believing this one fact: Jesus is your lord and savior. You will be fine. Keep your chin up.
In the meantime, remember to
Stay blessed!
: )
Lady Charmaine Day