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African Americans are looking in the wrong direction. Many of the more vocal civil rights era black leaders have succumb to old age, poor vision and bad health. Intellectual rights have replaced civil rights and the sun has set on their activism.

They civil rights black leaders I speak of abdicated our freedom and independence in exchange for promises, special privileges and civil rights. The Voting Rights Act was one of the civil rights our forefathers, grandfathers and fathers marched, fought, or were imprisoned and died for.

The last official act of the civil right era black leaders was to live and fight long enough to see The European players symbolically extended the Voting Rights Act before the N.A.A.C.P in 2006.

The current condition and situation we are in at this very moment can't be blamed on the remaining living black leadership from that era. The remaining living black leadership from the civil rights era has retained your privilege to vote for over 25 years. They did their part. Let them rest in peace.

Young educated African American readers, writers and producers stop hiding from your responsibilities. Step up to the plate. Take your turn. Stop looking for the senior citizens to save the day.

I pray that you young, strong, educated African American leaders won't be like the coward black men of Rosewood that would hide in the forest until Obama wins and then run out of the forest looking to have your say and to ride on the presidential freedom train.

It is incumbent you to collectively gather your intelligence to establish an industry, technology or infrastructure to replace the symbolic voting rights gesture and the dead civil rights agenda.

In the 21st century when the Voting Rights Act is taken away with nothing to take its place, it shall be the failed legacy of 21st century black leadership. The young black leadership of the 21st century has the sole responsibility to create and establish for us a new legacy of inclusion.

The 21st century black leadership consists of young black educated African American readers, writers and producers. The young black educated African American readers, writers and producers are the ones with the responsibility to create for us a new legacy of 21st century inclusion.

Young educated African Americans should not be attempting to build on what the black civil rights leadership negotiated 25 years ago. The civil rights agenda was right for their time in history. The civil rights agenda is their victory and legacy.

Defined intelligence suggests that the N.A.A.C.P. should be renamed and become "in fact" the B.R.S.C.C. (Black Race Strategic Command Center For Defined Intelligence.) for the 21st century.

Young black African American writers and producers stop accusing the European players of not aiding and abetting our survival because without intent, that is exactly what they are doing.
Undefined intelligence prevents you from seeing that the European players without intent are helping us by challenging the Arab players in Iraq.

The European players are challenging the Arab players that otherwise would be insurgents in Sudan.
Young bright educated African Americans should be grateful for the assistance from the European players. In technological terms the European players without intent dropped us off on high tech ground.

African Americans are the most advanced Africans on the game board. Thanks to the European players' technology, infrastructure, and industry you have a unbridled opportunity to compete in the 21st century. Instead of complaining about white America you should thanking them for bringing us this far.

Black America need I remind us all that this election is do or die for black America. If Obama wins black America will need an infrastructure in place to grow upon. If Obama loses we will need shelter because the back lash message from white America will be not to make the same mistake twice.

This is the closest the descendants of slaves have ever gotten to rising above the slave masters. If Obama loses the back lash from white America will send the strong message that this will not happen again.

In real-time we live in a society and culture where those breaking down walls of separation are outnumbered by those that don't know our history enough to break down walls of separation.

We live in a society where the perception of the majority rule. The few of us that know will not be spared because because in a society where majority rules, when the wagon comes, we all go. It is because of the dynamic properties of perception by majority rule that I advise African Americans to prepare for the day of divine truth.

As knowledgeable as some African Americans may be in presenting our shared history, logic, accomplishments, and achievements it is a fatal error for any of us to under estimate or dismiss the dynamic properties of perception by majority rule.

The dynamic properties of majority rule strongly evidences that what "you" have accomplished or achieved as a African American in "your" personal endeavors is very fine and well but because we live in a society where majority rules what "you" have accomplished or achieved is grossly overshadowed by the accomplishments of "your" majority. The accomplishments of the majority in this case refers to the majority of African Americans.

In this society and culture where majority rule, what you have accomplished holds very little worth in the overall perception of African Americans.

For example:
If you stood across the street in front of your well manicured lawn and residence while directly on the other side of the street 10 African Americans were drinking, using drugs, double parking, dropping garbage, playing loud music and using profanity where subsequently the police was called, after rounding up the 10 African Americans it is not unusual for a police officer to ask his Sargent, "What about that African American standing across the street watching?

It would not be to far fetched to conclude that the Sargent would tell the police officer,"go get him and put him in the wagon with the rest of them."

Why would the police do that to you if you have done nothing? Because in a society where majority rules, you are an African American man and they are African American men and therefore the 10 African American men that were out of order has outweighed the one African American man that has done nothing.

They are African Americans and you are a African American and as such you are guilty by association. Hence the reality of the premise that when the wagon comes we all will go.

It is the dynamic properties of majority rule that dictates that whenever the police are called or when conflict is eminent that you immediately leave the area if you don't want to be mistaken or included in the conflict or roundup. The dynamic properties of majority rule transcends all aspects of African American culture.

If 20 African Americans apply for a bank loan and have bad credit but you are the only African American applying with excellent credit it is by perception based on the dynamics properties of majority rule that African Americans have bad credit.

In this U.S culture and society where majority rule and perception is king you nor I are exceptional in spite of our personal accomplishments or achievements.

It is imperative that African Americans take to heart what I am saying because time is of the essence. African Americans must move to conform, adapt or perish. The figures don't lie. There is no time remaining for each one to teach one.

The new black Americans are not only eliminating and replacing the classification "African American" they are also eliminating and replacing the black people attached to the classification as well.

In the U.S.A. where the perception of majority rule is applied and practiced you and I are without option or exception. This is not my personal opinion. This is a fact of cultural dynamics in a society and culture where the perception of the majority rule.

It is not enough to tailgate the 21st century picking up the afterbirth of globalization. We have to get in the game

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55