25 Sep Top 9 Reasons to Buy Black

Written by Published in iZania Community Blog Read 941 times
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1. We invest in ourselves, our communities and our future.

2. We participate in a Black self-love fest by putting our financial resources where our mouth/interest is.

3. There is a higher likelihood of finding culturally specific products for our unique needs.

4. Our dollars will stay within our community for a longer period of time when Black businesses also employ Black folks who spend with one another.

5. We will have a greater chance of influencing the decisions makers where we shop.

6. We will receive respectful customer service and high quality products.

7. We contribute to the building of business institutions that can be handed to the next generation.

8. We contribute to becoming an independent group/nation able to sustain ourselves.

9. We become a force to be reckoned with and able to affect change.

Find Black-owned business at <a href="http://www.shreveportblackpages.com">ShreveportBlackPages.com</a>.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55