07 Sep Obama vs. McCain -- 58 days to go. Get involved in your neighborhood.

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My wife and I spent this weekend knocking on the doors of 85 of our neighbors, encouraging them to support Barack Obama.  Mostly, people didn't answer their doos, and we left literature about Obama positions.  Some of those answering the doors had not made up thir minds. We encountered more Obama supporters than McCain supporters -- IN A TRADITIONALLY REPUBLICAN COMMUNITY!

This past week at the Republican convention, John McCain and his surrogates attacked Barack Obama and mocked the power of community organizing.  They sneered at the idea that people like you can play a crucial role in turning this country around.

The Republicans just don't get it. Our movement was built by ordinary people working together in their communities -- and that's how we're going to win on Election Day.

There is a new tool at the Obama website called NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR that makes it easier than ever to connect with potential supporters in your community. It allows you to reach out to your fellow voters by making phone calls or knocking on doors -- the choice is yours.

Learn more and start making a difference in your neighborhood right now.

Neighbor to Neighbor:
Now you can have an even greater impact on your community. Start today by logging in to our new voter contact tool to find voters near you to reach out to. You can go door to door or make calls at any time that's convenient for you. There's no one who knows your community better than you do, so help us build support for Barack Obama and this movement for change by beginning in your own neighborhood.

When you log in you'll see that we've prepared all the resources that you need, including:
- A list of voters in your neighborhood who we need to reach out to
- A script you can use in your conversations
- A customized flyer you can distribute
- Easy interfaces to report back the results of your efforts to the campaign
- Support and training to answer any questions along the way

If you are an Obama supporter, this is how we are going to win this election. We all know how hard it is fora Black man to succeed in this country.  So, we need to get busy working as hard as we know how to help him win.  No excuses.  No regrets. No stone left unturned.  Failure is not an option.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55