The Booker T. Washington
National Monument
The Booker T. Washington National Monument Was Founded On July 28 1957, Though It Wasn't Opened To The Public Until 1963.
The Site Is The Birthplace And Early Childhood Home Of One Of America's Most Notable Black Educators. It's Located On Virginia Rt. 122, 16 Miles Northeast Of Rocky Mount, Virginia. It Was The Second National Monument Honoring A Black American.
The George Washington Carver National Monument Was Dedicated July 14, 1951, In Joplin, Missouri, And Was The First National Monument Dedicated To An African American.
Both Washington And Carver Were Contemporaries And Colleagues Who Worked At Tuskegee Institute, The Alabama University Founded By Booker T. Washington In 1881.
"In Order For Black History To Live, We Must Continue To Breathe Life Into It." -- Hubert Gaddy, Jr.