05 Jun Michelle and Barack Bumpin' Fists

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Once again, the media is grasping at straws to come up with a story on Barack Obama.  Why is the bumping of fists between the democratic presidential nominee and his wife a BIG DEAL?

It says two things:  Some journalists don’t seem to have a clue as to what real news is anymore.   It also points out the lack of experience many reporters have when it comes to reporting.  Instead of focusing on the admiration Michelle Obama was showing for her husband, they chose to focus on bumpin’ fists between the two as something mysterious and a possible code for something else.  WHATEVER!  Get a clue---take a racial interpretive language class.  And while you’re at it, attend a black church on occasion to get a sense of what really goes on there. 

#2:  Newsrooms in America lack some serious diversity---especially when it comes to management.   I know this from first hand experience because I never worked in a newsroom that had an African-American News Director.

If Michelle clicks her heels three times the next time we see her on stage, will this be interpreted as her desire to go to Kansas or is that a hint that she’d like to be “knockin’ boots” with her husband?

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55