30 Apr Hillary Is Strong?

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The statement that I keep hearing from media lately is “how strong Hillary Clinton appears to be”; she can lie, cheat and steal with the best of the evil doer, neo cons and that is not what Barack Obama is showing he knows how to do, therefore he must be week.  If America’ s strong leaders are Hillary and McCain, then strong is not what this Republic needs to survive.   We need change.  This is blood lust, a madness that our current president, Bush has got us into and he has been very strong plus he has been wrong enough to get three thousand people killed in the twin towers, and another four thousand solders killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Add to these figures two thousand solder suicides and maybe a million innocent Iraq civilians murdered by our use of deadly force.  If this is what being strong is then no thank you. God bless Barack Obama, because he is not strong and he would have taken a different path. I would rather have someone who is right than strong. Obama was against this war at the beginning but Hillary was not and, had all the strong posturing of Bush through this mistake.  Who cares how Strong Hillary Clinton is? Losers, right wing losers are the only ones who worship strong posturing over clear thinking anyway and that is why so many of them (Republican) are resigning from their congressional seats.  Clearly Barack Obama is walking in the foot steps of Abraham Lincoln on his way to becoming the sixth Black President of the United States of America along side of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Warren G. Harding-according to J.A. Rogers.



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55