24 Apr I Met a Nice Young Black Man Yesterday

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I'm not going to lie. It took me by surprise! Why? Because I have come in contact with more than my share of disrespectful, "you dis' me and I'll kill you" show me your drawers young black men everywhere I go.

But this young man was different. I was in the Duke Clinic to accompany my daughter for a doctor visit. I guess I looked lost because this young man asked me if he could help me. I told him where I was going and he proceeded to direct me. He did so with enthusiasm and was so articulate. Now, you know if "certain" people call us "articulate" some of us accuse them of being racist. After all, why should they think we can't express ourselves coherently and intelligently?

Well, after thanking him for directions, he said "You're welcome!" and I continued walking towards my destination. Someone reading this might think the credit goes to Duke University Hospital for its employee training program but I can tell you that is NOT the case. I've met more RUDE and UNCARING employees which seems to be the norm.

In case you're wondering why I chose to write about this. This is the deal: Some of us (including me) are so quick to point out the negatives we see in our young people---so why can't we give them praise for the good things they do? You might say being courteous is what you would expect but teaching good manners has been lost somewhere between our parents generation and us.

I met a nice young black man today. He couldn't have been more than 25-years-old. It was such an enjoyable experience---although brief. I only wish I had thought to get his name.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55