23 Apr Star Jones Getting a Divorce

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For those ofyou who said it would NEVER last--you were right. Star Jones has filed for a divorce from her husband of three years, Al Reynolds.

In a statement to Entertainment Tonight, Star said, "Several years ago I made an error in judgment by inviting the media into the most intimate area of my life. A month ago I filed for divorce. The dissolution of a marriage is a difficult time in anyone's life that requires privacy with one's thoughts."

Is there anyone reading this who thought it would last? This brings me to a point. Women who reach middle age shouldn't be so eager to get married that they end up making the wrong choice. What's more important---your biological clock or your happily-ever-after?

Sadly, too many sisters feel the need to be married by a certain age and some of them are even pressured by family and friends to take that trip down the aisle---and I do mean "trip!"

You need to read chapter two of my book, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age .  The chapter is called, "Lordy, Lordy, Are There Any Good men Still Left Over 40" .  Here you will gain some perspective on what to look for in a mate at middle age.

I found it interesting that Star was quoted as saying this in People Magazine shortly after she and Al married:

"Every single wedding fantasy I ever had was fulfilled, down to the most handsome groom in the history of the world."

What she failed to mention was a keyword called LOVE.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55