19 Jan My interview with Nationalist Movement leader

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The Nationalist Movement a hate group claiming to be speaking for and representing the American "majority" is having/had a march in Jena La. on Martin Luther king Day to ask that:

The Jena 6 all be jailed
The abolishment of the Martin Luther King Day Holiday
The elimination of civil rights laws.

Please listen to my interview with Richard Barret the general counsel of the Nationalist Movement as he explains why they are having this march on Martin Luther King Day and what they hope to accomplish. Mr. Barret also finds time to take shots at Al Sharpton.

This is one of my hardest interviews I have ever done. In order to let the ignorance of racism shine through I had to bite my tounge and let Mr.Barret speak freely so that he would make the point of the ignorance of being racist without me saying a word. Please click the link below to listen.



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55