09 Jan "Canonization" of the N-word

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In lieu of the n-word’s derogatory and demeaning definition, African Americans have still continued to uplift the n-word, protected it like a mother instinctively defends her newborn, and placed it high on the altar as if the idiom is something in which to be proud.  The purpose of this article is not to inflame African Americans against a so-called oppressor—the n-word.

Rather, the goal is to make African Americans realize their contentment with the mentality racist oppressors instilled and cursed them with centuries ago, and to make African Americans aware that their choice to continue to active the idiom—in various ways—helps keep the mental chains of enslavement intact, passing the “endowment” down to generation after generation of African Americans. 

From the first days of slavery to present day, the African American’s manhood has been questioned, insulted and disrespected. The 60s Civil Rights movement worked to shed light on these dismal and unjustified racist attitudes, and strove to enlighten and free the African American community from the inhumane and unnatural mental and physical bondages thrust upon them. However, today’s lack of self-respect, adopting of self-destructive lifestyles, and acceptance of outright acts of cultural contempt demonstrates blacks’ unconsciousness to the seriousness of the matter, and, in many respects, how the culture is retrogressing into a sea of darkness. 

Boondocks and most recently, the rapper Nas is glaring proof of how the African American has become content with cradling the inferior mentality. All for monetary gain, to offer a couple of cheap laughs, and satirically poke fun at the degeneration of the African-American community.  Boondocks along with Nas’ insistence upon having his newest album released entitled N**ger, de-elevates the hearts and minds of a people, and berates and ridicules the distant memories, struggles, and tragedies black ancestors endured to gain cultural pride and dignity for the African-American race. Boondocks, created by Aaron McGruder—an African-American man, proves to be an exploiting and unprincipled agent of the n-word. “Cultural traitors,” such as McGruder and Nas, continue to contribute to their people’s ignorance, the demise of the African-American community through the subconscious, and the negative stereotypes associated with blacks. 

For more than 300 years, the n-word defined the image of blacks, compelling them to accept this “bottom-of-the-bucket,” complacent mentality. Through their use of the word, African Americans permit use of the n-word by others. In this same regard, African Americans have no place to be upset with others using the term, nor should they become angry when they find themselves being slighted or disrespected by others—it’s human nature not to show respect to someone who has none for him/herself.  

The fleecing of the black community continues in the guise of Boondocks and Nas’ soon to be release album, N**ger:  Rather than contributing to the progression of the African-American community, the show is a thoughtless drift backward towards, or tangible reminder of, mediocrity and mental enslavement. Leeches of this type prevent any chance of group advancement. So long as the black community allows itself to be associated with the sub-human image and lacks cultural pride and respect, they can intuitively expect to be excluded from the synergistic efforts of advancing humankind. To regain the world’s respect for their cerebral prowess and truly be part of the solution, African Americans must distance themselves from the racist and demeaning n-word. 

Aaron McGruder and many others have an innate tendency of guiding the black community down a path of self-destruction. “Why is that?” one may ask: Blacks, as a matter of habit, have a propensity to allow exploitation of their community by their own kind, and the Chris Rock’s, 50 Cents’s, and Eddie Griffins’s are always at the ready to impose their will of self-destruction. Until blacks, collectively, decide and proclaim they are no longer going to be a door mat for the world to wipe their feet upon, they are always going to be abused and misused.  

Each African American must become accountable and conscious of his/her actions in his/her everyday life. Demanding respect from one another should be the first step toward uplifting and elevating the mind state of the African American. The n-word is not a metaphor for cultural recognition, self-respect, honor, and/or pride. It is a direct link to the many ills and woes of the black community. The n-word must be eradicated from the vocabulary of all African Americans. 


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55