27 Dec No information? No consent~Every woman’s right to know

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HERS Launches Nationwide Female Anatomy Education Campaign

Fact:  Black women are about 20% more likely to be hysterecomized and castrated than white women.  Midwest women are 25% more likely and Southern women are 50% more likely than women in the Northeast to be castrated and hysterectomized (1).

Can you imagine a country where sex organs are removed from 622,000 of it’s mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends each year?(1)
That country isn’t in Africa or Asia or South America.  It’s the United States of America.

A free 12-minute online educational video could prevent more than 500,000 unwarranted hysterectomies each year.  Please click on this link to watch the video and join thousands of women and men in every state of the country who are signing HERS’ petition: http://hersfoundation.com/anatomy/.

Until now, information that is required for informed consent has not been made available to women prior to surgery.  The life-long functions of the reproductive sex organs are vital to health and wellbeing.
(2)  HERS has filled the information gap with a short video about female anatomy, including the functions of the female organs and the anatomical changes that occur when the uterus or ovaries are removed.

Without information about female anatomy and the consequences of hysterectomy, women cannot provide informed consent.  Although they may sign a consent form, they don’t know what they are consenting to.  The cost in the health industry for providing this information is a fraction of the potential savings from avoiding unnecessary surgeries that strain our medical system.

There are 22 million women alive today in America whose reproductive sex organs have been removed.  A statistically insignificant number of men have had their sex organs removed, even though the rate of cancer in the male and female organs is nearly identical.

The HERS Foundation’s Say No ‘Til You Know campaign supports legislation to compel the medical industry to provide information about female anatomy and the well-documented adverse effects of the removal of the female organs to every woman who is recommended surgery.

Click on this link to sign HERS’ petition...and pass it on: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/saynotilyouknow/.

Visit http://hersfoundation.com/anatomy/ to view the video and the petition.  Women and men from every state in the country are signing the petition in support of every woman’s right to know.

No information?  No consent.

(1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Hospital Discharge Survey.
(2) www.hersfoundation.org

Bloggers Note:This was sent to me in a email, As I understand this story if true would uncivilized and seemingly illegal.  That a half a million unwarranted or unnecessary hysterectomies can occur each year in America.  And if so this should be a headline story in main media so many people can be informed about this story.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55