01 Dec Is having "black" media separatist?

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My site has been a always notice around for a while now and one thing I always notice is that when white racist visit and post on my or any other black site is that they try to make the argument that having black media is separatist. They say that black magazines, black web sites, television stations, newspapers, or radio stations is separatist on our part. They say we are further dividing the country along race lines.

Now I always counter that by asking would stories on black health, missing black women, or something like the Jena 6 be covered in the main stream media in any depth? There is normally no answer because that's a question they can't answer without defeating their own argument. I wanted the opinion of others though.

I wanted the opinion of others though. Do you think having our own media is separatist?  Give your answer and opinion  here: http://www.letstalkhonestly.com/LTHQOTW.html


No, we need to have sources of information not available anywhere else.
I wish it were not needed, but the reality is that black media is still needed.
Yes, it helps to separate blacks further from "American" Society.


George L. Cook III
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55