09 Oct African American Postage Stamps At-Risk?

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I was listening to Pastor John Hannah and his co-host Angela Martin on gospel radio am1390 this morning and heard this news.  According to them, the African American U.S. postage stamp series is in jeapordy of being discontinued by the end of the month.  The reason being, we are not purchasing them.  

Has anyone seen anything in writing, if so, please share any written information regarding this issue please share.  I did a brief search of the station from which I heard the news and the US Postal service to no avail.

In the mean time, the African American community has until the end of October, a little over two weeks to go to the nearest post office purchase these historical stamps.  If you don't request them specifically, they won't be offered to you.  So, you have to ask.  It won't take but a small effort to make this purchase.  Let's Do It!  It's a matter of principal.  Must we allow everything to be taken away from us?  Can we at least keep our postage stamps?

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55