28 Sep Are You Following Your Passion?

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Passion is a person’s inner desire. Psalm 37 tells us not to fret. This advice tells us not to be nervous about what others do or think, rather trust in God, delight in Him, commit everything we do to Him, to that which is good be honest and walk in integrity, Then he will give us the desires of our hearts.

What is passion? What are desires? They are those good and righteous things that we are enthused about, the good things that bring excitement to our hearts, the good things that excite our minds, our hearts, our tongues, and our actions. A child’s passion, and ours as well, causes an outburst of joy within us. Passion is following your heart. In other words our desires and our passion are in fact one in the same. \

Why should we find our passion? We should find our passion because it will fulfill us. It will help us to be satisfied with life, to find peace, joy, and other fruits of the spirit promised to us by God if we commit to him and delight in doing so. When we are fulfilled it becomes second nature to be more temperate, to have self-control, we are calmer being so we have more patience, we are meeker and we have insurmountable belief and faith in God.  It is the pathway to your purpose in life.

Passion is that thing which God put in us to do. It is our purpose in life. It is what we are put on this earth for. It gives our life meaning. In some of us it is untapped or we may have put it on reserve, we don’t know what our passion is. So for a person in such a case, how do we find our passion?

How to does one find their passion? Where does one look? Take a good look inside yourself. Listen to your heart – what do you feel, how do you feel? Listen to your  inner voice,  know who you  are, and  know what pleases you.

Following Your Passion also business confidence. It comes from being brave enough to be who you are. Just be comfortable with the person that you  are. 

The scripture says, how can two walk together unless they agree? Though this scripture references two different people, one can also use it to find balance within them. For instance, a person’s personal and business/academic life should enhance each other. They complete each other, one does not pull against the other, if they do in fact cause friction, there is something wrong- that person needs to reanalyze something. There is a missing link. This person is missing the thing that was gifted to you by God. They have not yet found their passion.

Take a deeper search, a prayer, inquiring of The Lord to help you find your passion, your purpose in life, the gift for which he gave you, that thing for which he intended for you to do on this earth. You may simply need to find a balance. Tap into God and his power, set long-term then short-term goals, and being to do what is necessary you meet those goals, don’t be afraid to reanalyze your goals. As a matter of fact I suggest you get in the habit of re-analyzing them from time to time.

What are the Benefits? Finding your passion, developing it, and pursuing it will increase your or your child’s chance of success – You will succeed. You or they will feel as if you were as tall as a tree, and no one will be able to knock you down. Your will be satisfied, you will live in complete and utter joy. It will bring a level of peace in your life that you have never experienced, and find difficult to explain. Your child will be excited and so enthused with their accomplishments. Again, they will have inner power enough to say no to drugs, to say no to pre-marital sex, and to say no to bullying and other violence peers may attempt to encourage them to do. They will learn to never give up, when they are pursuing their passion they won’t want to give up on it. They will learn to be a balanced overachiever and trouble will rarely follow them.

Understand that money and fame do not measure success. Your level of inner spirit measures it. Your joy, your peace, your patience, your temperance, your goodness, your faith, your longsuffering and your love measure it. Believe it or not, this type of success will also give you freedom. You will be free to be who you are. And no matter what others feel or think, you will be satisfied. It gives us all the power to love ourselves and to be happy no matter what others think. You will begin to enjoy life, the simple and the complex and your child will possess the same empowerment for living.

Sharing the power that comes from pursuing your passion is the empowerment. A good healthy, wholesome, and righteous passion is meant to share with others. It is meant to help someone or to encourage others. In sharing your passions with others one gains a greater sense of inner power needed for living a fulfilled life.  Following your passion is a sure fire way to do good business. 

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55