18 Sep The Student Loan Death Trap

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5 tips to help relieve Student Loan stress

1. If you have a loan in default, simply begin to pay a small amount monthly. Pay the same amount for six consecutive months on the same day of the month and guess what, you will be able to get federal student grants again.

2. Volunteer 1700 hours for an approved nonprofit organization and receive up to $4,000 pay into your student loan account.

3. If you are an educator, you can apply for the teacher forgiveness program.

4. There are financial hardship programs that are available to students who are not yet working.

5. There are deferments as well as forbearance options available.

To learn more about the benefits of loan consolidation, how to get it done, as well as other valuable information regarding the student loan death trap visit www.empowerachild.com


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55