03 Jul Saving Homes from Foreclosure in Central Florida!

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Lawrence Robinson, was awarded June "Man of the Month" for  the Orlando/Central Florida region by The Network Orlando website (http://www.thenetworkorlando.com/). Lawrence Robinson recently put together a team of businesses to help homeowners in this region who have suffered an economic blow by possibly losing their homes to foreclosure. Or an even worse scenario of losing their homes and their equity to scam artists, predatory lenders, and the so called real estate investors who buy homes "pennies on the dollar." The team of businesses mentoned above consists of lawyers, realtors, HUD certified credit counselors, mortgage brokers,realtors and legitimate home-based business professionals.  The Metro Federation of Churches (a local advocacy group) has joined forces with Mr. Robinson's team to make sure everything is handled with the utmost integrity and Christianconsciousness. All of the members of this group have taken an oath to do everything in their respective fields to help the distressed homeowners keep their homes and save their homes. In just a few months, this team (known as The Steeple H.O.M.E. Team) has worked on saving homeowners close to $2,000,000 (two-million) of real-estate.  And most importantly saving homes in our community! Mr. Robinson is also the CEO of a minority internet service company, www.CommunitySteeple.com, which serves to inform, unite religious and business communities. The mission of CommunitySteeple.Com, is to bring the community together, to focus on informing the community about religion, education, economics, and the politics. that affect us in our macro community. Words alone can not describe how proud I am of my husband, who took a stand and made a commitment to our community. Lawrence Robinson can be contacted at 407-262-9672 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55