01 Jul No Regrets

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I was talking to my cousin last night. We talked about our life and the decisions we've made growing up. She feels like if she could she would do it again. I don't. I do not live my life with regrets. I can't go back and say there is an incident in my life I didn't learn from. I can't live in my past, wishing for something better. Thinking that if I would have done something different I would have a better outcome. I love my life, I love who I've met, the things I've gotten to do, and the idea of what I will do next. I am living for the future. If you never make mistakes in your past how do you know what mistakes not to make in your future? Simple, you don't. Are there things I wish I would have done? Of course, but who says it's too late to do them now. Life is what you make it and everyday I try to make mines the best. I can't say I regret some of the people I chose to date, some of the ones I didn't, the friends I've had or any other decision I've made or any other experience I've experienced, but why? Why would I reject my life as if I've been a fool, as if I've not learned and gained more from all of those things? I can't do that. I have traveled most of the U.S. I have met people from all over the world. I have lived on 2 coasts. I have 2 wonderful children that teach me a lesson in patience everyday...lol. In my life I did what I felt I had to do at the time. All of those decisions weren't the best but they were not the worst. I got what I needed to and I continue to grow on a daily basis.

So even though I love my cousin dearly I have to say I just do not agree with her feelings on this subject. We do not see eye to eye on a lot of things and this is one of them.

I live my life the way I want to. Not the life someone else wants for me. I don't allow others to slow me down, not family, not friends, not men. My friends think I am cut throat in relationships but I am just not the type of person to be unhappy waiting for change in a person nor do I try to change anyone. I feel like once I express my dislikes it is your decision as to whether or not you want to take me seriously. I know what I want and I know what I need so settling has never been my forte'.

I make time for me. Since my daily world revolves around family I require time for me. Without it I wouldn't make it...lol.
I've cried those relationships tears of love gone wrong, of friendships gone array, of life's woes. I've then taken those tears and added them to my river. The river of all the tears I will shed and bathe in later...keeping my soul cleansed not bathing in any sort of misery...

My choices, my thoughts, my life, my world. All of those are my own and I own my own future. No regrets, No fears, No looking back not unless I need to pull from my lesson book, but never wishing I was there again...

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55