19 Jun Terrorism Vs Union

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Dwight W. Hayes,AA,BS,MS

The War On Terrorism Vs The North American Union


"Where one capitalist sees war another sees a borderless North America."

In case you were wondering why the American and Mexican People are so confused about what direction their country’s foreign policy is heading then try to wrap your mind around the “War On Terrorism” policies and the “North American Union” policies. Logically the war on terrorism requires strict control of our country’s borders and just as logically the North American Union requires borderless travel between Mexico, United States, and Canada. Is this a little confusing? Don’t be confused because our leaders are talking out of both sides of their mouth-forked tongue-so to speak. But do understand that this is disjointed incremental American foreign policy and it is fueling immigration.

For more information on the War On Terrorism go to:




For more information on the North American Union



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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55