16 Jun Is Father's Day important to you?

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First off much love to all the fathers out there who do right by their children and a big shout out to black fathers who do the right thing but are treated as if they don't exist or when acknowledged treated as some anomaly among black men. With father's day coming my friends and I always joke that you could drive a hummer through a mall the week before Father's Day and not hit anyone. We have accepted that father's are not as respected as mother's and I guess learned to deal with the bottles of Old Spice And Brute....lol. What i would like to know is Father's Day important to you? Give your answer here: http://www.letstalkhonestly.com/page/page/3918060.htm


Yes, just as important as Mother's Day
Yes, but a notch below Mother's Day
No, my father was not in my life.
No, my father and I are not close.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55